I had a lot of remnant fabric from my boat projects and so I decided to take my first attempt at making a cover for my glowforge with it. Note that I was just using scrap fabric and so I didn’t realize until after that it looks like a DC comic character.
So I got out my handy Sailrite Ultrafeed and hot knife and went at it:
I looked over the other dust covers I saw in the community but I was wanting one that I would not have to find a place for when I take it off. So I designed a segmented one that has a flap on the lid section so that the top stays attached…for the most part. Obviously I will want to be able to see through the glass lid whenever I print and so having a flap that just folds back and clears the lid worked perfect for me.
I then wanted a way to hold the cover in place a bit and so I used clips and screwed the straps into the underside of my $8 IKEA table top. I also put an additional clip on the wall so that I can clip the flap up if I choose.
One thing to beware of… make sure your cover isn’t blocking any air intake while you’re using the laser. From the best I can tell I don’t think yours will be a problem, since I think most air intake is along the bottom, and it looks like there’s enough of a gap there.
I love the look of old school bombers and I felt like the Sailrite looked like an angler fish with the light. The vinyl on it is glow in the dark. It always makes me laugh:
Thanks! My remnant bucket is a ton of different color fabrics. I was still struggling to learn sailing and so I actually color coded everything for the stuff I made for our boat. Which meant there were tons of leftovers and my color code only has significance to me…at this point.
I might have fun making some comic type items out of these leftovers
Your sewing of a cover for your Glowforge, perhaps your Glowforge could return the favor If you look into yellowheart wood, it glows amazingly in UV light, there might be inspiration
I will have to look into that one! I was wanting the Sailrite leatherwork (which is a longarm) but I wanted it because the slowing down of the machine is key. I did notice they just put out a new line of untrafeeds that have a servo that offers a more controllable speed and I want that but those are not longarm
I have not looked at that! I will check it out! I love the idea of sail design. I always wanted to study Aerospace because my favorite, and still favorite, principle is Bernoulli. The school I ended up going to did not have Aerospace and so I missed out on learning all the aspects that I am sure would feed into sail design.
I think its so cool how to design the placement of seams to best handle the likely force at the specific spot on the fabric.