Compact Filter Toggle Grayed Out

I have 2 forges, on my original machine I am able to toggle the compact filter on or off, on the second machine, I don’t have the option to do so. I can switch between the two, and when I switch to the second machine, the option is there, but grayed out, while the first machine I can freely toggle the option. I’ve tried checking on both my computer on and my phone, and it’s the same. Adblock is disabled for the app.glowforge site, and I’m thinking that that it’s beyond my end of being able to fix it, and may need to be enabled for the machine. The name of the machine is DDGlowforge.


I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve hit this snag.

We’ve made a change on our side. Could you reboot your Glowforge, and let me know if the same option is grayed out for your newer Glowforge?

Let me know how it goes!

That did it, thanks!

Thanks for letting us know. I’m glad to hear that!

If you run into any other trouble, please don’t hesitate to reach out.