Condensation in my GF!

Hello! Came into my office today and found condensation all inside of the glass. I opened the machine and dried the water with a rag. I have not turned on my machine. Is my machine ruined? When will it be safe to turn back on?

Until you hear from official support, I suggest you not turn it on. Leave the lid open. Remove the vent hose (source of condensation) and circulate air through the glowforge.

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Thank you!

It is not a good idea to leave the vent hose connected unless you have a good way to isolate it from outside air when the machine is not in use.

Most homes are not completely air-tight. At night, the warmer air in the home will seep thru any cracks/gaps, and draw cooler air in anywhere it can. If you’ve got your GF permanently vented to the outside, that’s where most of the cool, damp air is going to be drawn in and, because of the differences in temperature, it’ll be the first place it condenses.

I suggest installing a blast gate at the back of your machine. I live in a very humid climate but have never had moisture in my machine. A blast gate beats unhooking the hose every single time and then reconnecting it to use the laser again. If you search for blast gate on the community (Search results for 'blast gate' - Glowforge Owners Forum) you will find several you can make yourself as well as some purchased ones. I made mine out of acrylic based on this design: Glowforge mounted blast gate.


The down side with the blast gate is you have to remember to reinsert the gate. I use this and you never have to disconnect it or remember to close a gate:

This vent has a lightweight seal that sits in it and when air is being pumped out (i.e. the glowforge is on) then that will push up the seal and let it vent. When no air is being pumped out (i.e. the glowforge is off) then the seal just sits there and seals the vent.

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Hello @elisa.silverio1,

I apologize for our delay is getting a response out to you. Condensation can sometimes happen inside your Glowforge, especially when vented outside and left connected overnight or if the room it is in is very humid.

You did the correct thing by wiping it down and leaving it open to air out. If the condensation is gone, you can go ahead and power on your unit and try a test print. If you run into any trouble please let us know.

Hello! My machine turned on with no problem but my machine isnt focusing everytime as it should. I’ve cleaned the machine and all the lenses and i still have trouble.

I am happy to hear that your Glowforge was able to power on without a problem! I took a look at the most recent logs and it looks like you have been able to print successfully since writing in. That’s great! Can you let us know if you are still having any trouble?

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