Connect 2nd glowforge

I have connected a second glowforge to the internet no problem. Yet, When I’m on it doesn’t show up as a option for printers. . Logically you would think that if it’s not added as a printer, then it needs to be. So how do you do that?


There should be a drop-down in the upper right corner for choosing which printer to use.


Yes I’ve done that but the printer does not show up there

When you went to “” did you log in with the same account? I think that is how it associates the printers.

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I have two tabs open and am logged in with the same account but it still doesn’t show up

If you completed the setup to get it online, while logged into the same account, then it’s time to reach out to support. You can reach them by phone at + 1 (855) 338- 2122


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