I enjoy bookbinding too, and this turned out really well! I’ll usually get compliments when I make books, but this resulted in a lot of “Wow!” reactions
Yes, I can see why! Wow!
Beautiful design and execution - those stitches are so nice and even.
I’ll break out of the mold and say: Amazing! That really is a very nice stitch and the engraving goes so well with that design. Perfect use of the laser.
Another WOW
Does not seem to have been sealed, or at least no shiny?
If there is a sealer, then great, but without it the wood will still be subject to warping if left in moist areas.
You see it more with things outside, but it also occurs indoors.
Looks really awesome and would want it to last.
Beautiful! This is one of the reasons I wanted a GF and creating some bookbinding files will be my next big project. Nice job on the stitching!
To be fair, books and moist areas rarely play well together…
Epic. So good.
I’m planning to cover it with some polycrylic to protect it. Probably should have done it before binding. How well do you think it would engrave on a sealed piece of wood?
how thick is that wood? very nice!
About 3/16.
Engraves fine if pre-sealed, but then the engrave and cut edges are not sealed.
Maybe ok if inside, but I have noticed moisture creep through the edge cuts on items outdoors or in enclosed porches and just cut to the chase and seal it all.
Plus it bonds and helps stop abrasion of the engraved section.
After a few remakes for some people I have really taken the wood sealing seriously. Probably more than I should but it does stop having to make a piece over again a month later.
I am wondering if Saddle wax would not be more traditional, give it an antique luster, and still retard moisture.
I’m a Copt so I definitely love what you’ve done there! Looks great!
What steered you towards that type of cross? Was it an order?
Huh, I learned something new. I was looking for where you used the markers – had to go look up what “Coptic” actually means! Nice work, both the making me learn stuff as well as the making of beautiful things!
Not specifically. I’ve just been practicing the “Coptic Stitch” technique, and though, the Coptic Cross would correspond well.