Cut a JPEG Image

Hello all,

I have a JPEG image that a friend wants me to cut out and make a sign.
I have tried exporting as an SVG File and a PDF File. Neither will let me choose to cut the outside, only engrave.
How do I do this ???

Thanks in advance, Ron

Unfortunately the GF can’t cut a graphic unless it’s a vector. Are you using any computer software to create your files or GF premium? If you can upload your file someone will certainly help you out.

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Used Affinity Designer to export from a JPEG to an SVG File. Is there something else I need to do?

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This is the file that I would like to cut out the “Nightmare” only, Any help on how tp convert from a graphic ?

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When I tried to open the file, I got a message that the file was empty. Can you try dragging and dropping the file again?


Both svg and pdf are what they call “container” files - they can hold both vectors and rasters. Vectors are what’s needed to cut.

Most vector programs (like Inkscape) have a trace function that will get you started. Once you re-upload your art (just the .jpeg - if you do the svg the raster will be deleted by the forum) someone in here can help you out!


For some reason the app will not contain the images anymore, and since you have no vectors you get nothing. You can however drag and drop the jpeg image and it will show up. Only vectors are able to cut or score (and also engrave) so those have to be included if you want any cuts. If you have Premium there is an outline widget than can outline an image.

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Tried to reload the JPG image. It is a little crude, but all I am trying is to be able to cut out the outlines and center openings.

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Try this:


I’ll give it a try. Thanks for your help.

It worked. Was this modified in Inkscape ? I tried Inkscape for Mac a few years ago, and had some issues with the Mac version.

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That one is missing the cutouts in the letters.
Try this one:


I simply used the outline tool in the Glowforge interface. The one @beerfaced posted might be better - depending on your project.


Per some other posts on here, they have fixed the Inkscape/Mac issues in the latest releases.


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