Cutting accuracy problems

Okay so i figured why it was cutting off center. When I’m engraving on medium clear acrylic, i like using a focus height of .433 instead of what it should be .125 because it gives it a cleaner engrave. But what this does it make the engrave offcenter from the cut. Glad I found the problem but now I guess i have to find new settings for my engrave ?

What settings did you use for this engrave if you dont mind me asking? it looks very clean!

So basically i figured out that me changing the focus height to .125 to .433 was the problem. so now i have to find good engrave settings without defocusing the height since thats whats causing the problem

That was Proofgrade medium draftboard default settings for a pro.

if you dont mind, maybe you can try defocusing to .433 and see if it does the same thing?

So I set it to .433 for both the engrave and the cut. The cut did not come close to cutting through. The centering problem does not replicate your problem. Did you defocus the engrave and leave the cut at the normal material height?

yes. the cut height was still at .125

The top items are default medium draftboard. The lower items are defocused at .433 but cut at Proofgrade setting. It still doesn’t replicate the cut being offset.

I think the bottom one looks a tad but off center compared to the first one. Weird that mine is way more dramatic

What size are yours? Have you tried again with the fresh pdf file you posted for me to try?

Yep, they should be the same size. I found another thred that was having the same problem. I didnt have this problem before, seems to just occuring now.

I wish it was the file :frowning_face:

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yeah… i tried to keep the focus height normal it and it worked perfectly. so i really just have to find good acrylic engraving settings without defocusing it

Have you tried testing how much it varies by offset from the center of the bed?

When I change material height, the design shifts significantly at the edges, but doesn’t appear to at the center.

What do you mean by offsetting from the center of the bed? sorry, im a newbie

That the “target” moves more the further you are from the center of the bed.

Imagine two overlapping circles, one to be engraved at .4xx, the other to be cut at .125. The cut at actual material height should be where you expect, but the engrave should/might “move” further from where it should be depending on how far from the center it is.

This should only happen, by the way, if you were performing the engrave and cut in separate files. If you define the absolute location for multiple actions, they should all happen at that location regardless of defined material (focus) height.

The thing is, this happens even if im right below the camera, and its all in one file, you can check above, i uploaded it. once i return to the normal focus, it doesnt happen anymore

Welp, it was just a thought.

If you’re wanting to defocus the engrave, you would only change the setting for the engrave operation to 0.43 or whatever you want it to be. Leave the focus for the cut operation at the actual height of the material. (The focal point settings do not have to match in the individual operations…the machine will pause for a fraction of a second, refocus and continue with the next operation.) They will still maintain the correct positions.

Yeah I think thats whats suppose to happen in theory, but its not happening for me :confused: