Dear fellow crafteres; Do not, I repeat do NOT, use Gorilla Glue as hairspray

Anyone else following the saga of this poor woman who intentionally used the spray-on Gorilla glue when she ran out of hairspray? Her hair has not moved in a month. :flushed: Apparently Gorilla Glue reached out to her and told her to try castor oil. I hope it works and she didn’t cause any permanent damage. Her edges do look really good though. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Her eyelashes though…


Probably needs to shave her head promptly. I can’t imagine the damage the chemicals are causing to her brain. (But then again…might be too late if she’s had that crap on there for a month already.)

Hope the 3.2 million likes were worth it.


First off, and maybe it is just me, but “poor woman”?? I am sorry…but that’s entirely on her, if it was intentional as you said. (I didn’t click the link). Also, she has 296k fans on TikTok. I can’t for the life of me think this is accidental or unexpected in any way. Sounds incredibly like something someone would do to “shock” or impress her “adoring” (or abhorrent) fans. I am more shocked that she has that many fans or that many likes than by any stupid stunt she has pulled.
But again…maybe that’s just me.


A “friend” of mine in high school (this is the early 80’s) was “into” sniffing glue, and fell asleep (passed out) one night while in the act. Showed up for school next day head completely shaven - as his hair was basically attached to his pillowcase/sheets.

Dang, wish we’d had phone cameras back then…


No way to know for sure, but it doesn’t look like she did it just for fame since she did it a month ago and just now posted about it. (And it looks like the vast majority of her followers are from her story going viral and everyone waiting to see how it works out.) It sounds like she’s been waiting for it to grow out a bit, but it just isn’t happening and a dermatologist explained she may have permanently damaged the follicles and it may never grow. So yeah, she was stupid and the situation itself is funny, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have sympathy for her.


does this fall under the category of, “things i didn’t think i’d ever need to tell someone.”?


Reminds me of one time my grandpa thought he was putting in his eye drops but instead grabbed the bottle of liquid bandaid, his iris and pupil looked milky white and quite painful. The doctor sent him home and said there was nothing they could do but wait for it to clear up on its own. it cleared up in a few days just kept his eye covered and using the actual eye drops heh.


Um yeah…I have really mixed feelings about this. I mean I was laughing while watching her demonstrate than nothing was going to move her hair. But, on the other hand, I couldn’t help but put myself in her shoes…and feel sorry for her. Not that I would ever be that stupid, mind you. :roll_eyes: :smiley:


My dad said he grabbed his toothpaste one morning while brushing his dentures, but instead grabbed the Preparation H… then complained that his dentures didn’t fit for a week because his gums had shrunk…


I do feel badly for her - it’s totes on her, and that she not once has said that the product is at fault is major points in her favour. That the product she usually uses is advertised as “glued” and “screaming hold” I can see why she thought something sold as “multi-purpose” and “usable on fabric” would seem like a good idea - I mean, it’s pretty clear she’s never used the other types of Gorilla Glue or it would seem obvious…

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maybe it’s just being a guy that makes it seem so ridiculous? hair spray and heavy duty spray adhesive seem worlds apart, even if the hair spray uses the marketing words glue and screaming hold. i’d never put something that wasn’t specifically designed for hair in my hair.

now, i don’t “style” my hair, but in my favor right now, my hair has just gotten long enough that i could donate it to locks for love, so i’m not just coming from being a guy who’s hair stylist’s instructions are in #2 clippers.


I think it’s more someone who’s never used adhesive glue thinking it’d be fine since you do actually use glue to put on wigs.

Also LOL cuz the majority of my head uses clippers :stuck_out_tongue:

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My wife and daughter have donated a couple of times.

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Or this…


Someone just pointed out this product is hugely popular. Marketing :-/


I love it!

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Wow, do not get that mixed up with Gorilla Glue…


Wow I never knew Gorilla glue was also in a spray.

A few days ago, I used the Gorilla superglue for the first time.