Same in Canada and Norway. Norway is seeing November as well. No word from GlowForge as to why. This has already lead to more cancellations and upset backers.
People buying the production GlowForge with per purchasing options will get it before these backers.
Just posting this to see if anyone in canada has had a glowforge delivered?
I’ve read all the posts about people picking them up from across the border but it is not an option for me . I live over 14hrs of driving only stopping for fuel from the border.
Also if anyone has information as to why shipping to Canada is such an issue it would be appreciated, interested in facts only please i have many theories of why from reading pervious posts already.
Sry if i seem short tempered in the post hav…
Hi there, while even most of the international have received their golde. Email and ordinary sales have started I am rather shocked to find out that my delivery has been pushed bak again to the November 1st. I do not comprehend this as, from the US, shipping regulations shouldnt differ much from the rest of the EU. As I pre-ordered in October 2015 this puts me down to waiting for more than three years! I would have felt more respected as a worthwhile customer with some kind of notice ( even if …