Designing things I always Heddle Loom #homemade

Thanks! Looks like fun!

very cool!

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Really love this designā€¦ Iā€™m excited for the larger version (although I could probably extend this one myself) and a pedal version would also be cool!

I was excited to work with the Columbia wood ply from Home Depot for the first time. The maple is really pretty, although a bunch of my pieces have a surface knot in them and Iā€™m not sure how will that will cut. It looks like it will disintegrate. The issue is that the 1/4" ply is actually 0.203, which is a pretty big difference on something like this. I wasnā€™t all that concerned about it so I didnā€™t measure it in advance and thatā€™s on me. Nothing but the heddle itself (which is was the 1/8" wood) pressure fit. It made some parts of the assembly more difficult because I needed to glue things to keep them together. It was pretty wobbly once assembled due to the wood issue, but I put a dab of glue around each of the t-pins and this morning it feels more stable. The rubber bands in the picture were to hold everything together while it dried.

Also, there are a couple of pieces that have a score and I was shocked to see that it impacted the integrity of the ply so much that the slightest pressure caused it to start to snap. Fortunately, these two pieces are held rigid by a number of other pieces, so it wasnā€™t an issue. I will keep that in mind when using this ply in the future. I guess Iā€™ve never tested that with other plywoods so maybe thatā€™s a common issue.

Anyway, the design itself is very clever. Iā€™m excited to start weaving. As a bonus, I found these online classes (there are also YouTube videos, etc.) which are free until April 16: Startup Library: Rigid Heddle Weaving | Craftsy


It looks Great! That is weird about the score. I had no issues when I did it. So weird. Yeah, the dimensional difference in wood can be a problem, I went through about 4 different sizes before I chose the most common size I saw. I also made the fit really tight on mine just to be closer if other people used smaller dimensions. Guess I didnā€™t make it small enough. I only used glue on the Heddle.


I also have started the larger Roller bars. They are 18" Wide. Everything is the same you just need to change out the bars.


No complaints on the design. You obviously canā€™t design for every wood out there. I didnā€™t expect it to be an exact fit, but I was caught off guard by how thin the 1/4" boards really were. Lesson learned. :slight_smile:

I might tweak it a bit on some of the more important structural elements to fit this wood since I have more of it. The good part is that I can skip the score lines because everything is able to slide during assembly.


Victor, I canā€™t believe I missed this when you originally posted. This is absolutely incredible. I mean itā€™s like Orson Wells stuff. A machine making a machine!!! You sir, are a BAD MAN!!!


Thank you! Wait till you see the next one. Almost done with it. 400+ pieces. I am a little bit crazy. LOL


Holy Cow! Thatā€™s a serious accomplishment


Thank you so much! Welcome to the community!!!

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Dang it, I have more looms in my home than I can possibly use, but I must make this! You do such great work.


HAHA! Thank you! And I know the feeling! You should see how many of this one I have from testing it. LOL


I bought the pattern and made one for a friend, then decided I needed one too, because sure I do. So. Much. Fun. New weaver notes: assembly goes better when one doesnā€™t hit oneā€™s hand with the mallet ā€¦ twice ā€¦ and poke oneself in the face with a stick. I cut out of B/BB birch, sanded with 220, then 400, stained and used old school paste wax so it would have a nice hand feel, not too plastic-y like poly feels. Warping takes longer than one would imagine. I used a Dewalt C clamp thingy as my peg. Anyway, Iā€™m having a grand time and regret nothing, except the mallet-feasance and face poking part.


Sounds amazing -aside from the poking bit. :wink: Yes warping takes forever lol. Iā€™d really like to see it stained!


I donā€™t know what it is exactly, but you did an absolutely an amazing job! Like WOW


Itā€™s a weaving loom. And thank you!


Show us, please! I havenā€™t made mine yet, but Iā€™ll beware of the mallet and pokey thing.

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Subtle but the natural stain helps bring out the wood grain.


Looks really good! I should have waxed mine before I started weaving on it. I will once I get the piece off.