My first new release since moving to only free designs. This is a dice vault for holding a standard set of 7 polyhedral dice. Here’s a couple of pictures, for a full set of pics and a full write up, checkout my blog post. The file is available to download here.
Very cool. Thanks!
Excellent, thanks for sharing!
Shake the box. What do the dice read? Nobody knows until the box is opened. Thus the cats!
Cole, that’s lovely! Thank you for sharing the design. Do you mind updating the first post to include the file? Per the Free Laser Designs category description, all first posts in the category must include a file. You’re also very welcome to link to your site.
If you’d prefer not to include the file, that’s no problem - just let me know and I’ll move the post to Made on a Glowforge.
While I’m happy to share with people, I’d like to retain control over distribution of my files. Feel free to move my post to comply with your forum rules. You may want to go through my post history and move the majority of my other posts in the Free Design category as this is how I’ve always posted in this category.
Totally understand, thanks!