Die with 3D printed corners

Looks like pretty good print! Very positive start.

can’t wait for the MMU to arrive…

I agree with you! The MMU was one of the reasons I ordered the PRUSA. I think printing 4 colors will bring it to the next level. I know there will be some PLA waste, but colors will just bring a great new dimension to it. Can’t wait!

Oh for me since I do most of my prints in Nylon or PETG, I am super excited for dissolvable supports.

Absolutely. It seems to me that with ability to add such support the complexity of prints can be increased a lot. Definitely a plus for lots of application.

So crazy print of the day on my Taz6 in the lab (just because it is nerdy cool) which I am sure the OpenSCAD folks really will get into is the sine cubed vase
(CC attribution:Sine Cube Vase 1 by Chompworks
Published on November 24, 2017
www.thingiverse.com/thing:2666281 )

This has approximately 9,000 cuboids (1 every 4 degrees of arc, and 100 layers), and took 14 hours [!] for OpenSCAD to render on a Dual Opteron machine.



… wow…

I bet that took a minute or two to print.

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Oh yeah… 30 hours… Because my mean boss won’t lease a Carbon 3D printer for me…:grimacing:


Tonight printed the “castle” demo file from the SD card in Prusa silver PLA at 100 µm layer height. Model can be downloaded here:


WOW! That is some print! Are you duly impressed? How does it compare to your old big box? What fun!

The bigbox was a fantastic printer which did produce gorgeous output, but this thing is sublime. The finish is silky. I need to load some nylon in there and try that.

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Josef Prusa’s dog Buddy


Nice! Woof!

I’m curious if Josef 3D scanned his dog?

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This made me chuckle.

Used to leveling the printer myself (in my day…)

“You kids and your crazy auto-leveling. Back in my day, if your z height was off, you drove a couple of wooden shims under it and went on with your day. Now get that auto-leveler off my lawn!!!”


Z-probing: that’s a paddlin’


You’ve got a dragon (she’s beautiful by the way), a castle and a dog. Where’s the princess? Where’s the knight?

The pug was knighted due to his heroism in defending the house against mail delivery… :grin::grinning:


Although my first prints went smoothly, eventually I had to adjust the default Z height so my first layer would squish into the printer more. My prints were peeling themselves off the build plate, and ABS was a no-go. I hope to come back to ABS and troubleshoot more later.

So it took a day of troubleshooting, but once the first layer was “flatter” and not “tubular” shaped, I had better build plate adherence and PRUSA returned to functioning. So Z-Height is the achilles heel for this printer, IMHO.

Good luck.