Discussion of "Help Us Get One Million Ears Savers to Essential Workers"

I found a company on Etsy called DelviesPlastics that gave me a discount for acrylic after I explained why I needed it. This was about a month ago, but he was really easy to work with.

I used a magic eraser and it worked perfectly.

Todayā€™s the day that Designcraft crosses 100,000 pieces shipped out.
Thank you to everyone who has and continues to help with this effort.
We plan for this to be the conclusion for us.


OK, Iā€™ve downloaded ā€œEarSavers.zipā€ several times, and it looks like the .svg and .eps files in it are just different renderings of the marketing material, not the actual item graphics.

Does someone have a link to current/correct single/sheet files I can pull in to an editing tool?

It should already be on your home screen. You might need to ā€œview allā€ to see it.

Yes but GF gave them the option to Customize it, and for that I need the svg, not just the branded object in library

iā€™m seeing the same thing when i just downloaded the file again. someone at GF must have done some updating and accidentally saved over some files.

this is the file i have from a few weeks ago. i think itā€™s the GF download.

EarSavers.zip (9.0 MB)

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Ah. I just ignored the custom layer and imported my own. But without the original for spacing, youā€™re kind of stuck, I guess.

There was a brief window where the files were missing - it should be fixed now. Apologies!


Thanks. Used fixed files to make a few panels for my local oncology unit as the third print on my new Basic.

Update on my earsaver sojourn - my machine is suffering from some firmware issue but it is not apparently toast. I was able to do a couple hundred today including some custom ones for someone here to see about longer lengths in thinner material. Those are heading off in the mail and Iā€™ll be sending the other normal ones off to the hospital recipient tomorrow as well. Support says I can continue to use it and are just looking for updates if my problems recur. So Iā€™ll be printing first and then looking for a match from Glowforge. That way if it fails again I wonā€™t have to fail to deliver to someone who needs it.

Wife has asked that I install the new 6" 400cfm fan on the exhaust first as sheā€™s not a fan of the acrylic odor that is wafting up from the basement (actually itā€™s coming in the bathroom window right above the exhaust port from the basement - gonna have to keep the window closed). Iā€™ll do that tomorrow and then fire up the GF to start cutting more earsavers - trying to use up a couple of hundred sheets of acrylic.

(Anyone who ever had a hamster or guinea pig knows why my machine died. The minute you get the big bale of bedding shavings for the critter, he up & dies. Same with the 'forge. Get a few hundred sheets of acrylic delivered and the cosmos step in and gives it a smack :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:)


Delivered my first big batch of Ear Savers yesterday and got the following feedback:

They are too short for nearly everyone by about an inch and a half and they are very rigid so the few people that could wear them said the back of their head hurt after a short time

I used the Glowforge template provided in the Glowforge App (with the engraving layer ignored) on Medium (3mm) Proofgrade Acrylic.

I was paired with this organization again today. Any advice for what I should do to get them Ear Savers that will work?

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Iā€™m using .030" acrylic from Johnson plastics. Its flexible and a lot cheaper. We just passed the 100,000 earsavers delivered mark so price matters!

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I was hoping there would be a place for me to specify that I didnā€™t offer customization because I print ahead, but I have looked over both the maker and requestor forms and wasnā€™t able to find anything about that. Even tried using three different browsers thinking it was possibly a script or compatibility issue. No luck.

Iā€™ve got close to 1,000 printed and want to sign up for recipients but until I know how to specify this Iā€™m holding back. Anyone know if thereā€™s a different form some people are using? How does a donor specify no customization?

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Understandable - Iā€™ve done >1k but one of my last requests turned out to be a marketing campaign.
I ran it to discharge the responsibility, but need an easy option to either refuse a job or at least its customization before I volunteer to make more.



Just email Glowforge and let them know you canā€™t take the job, and theyā€™ll pass it to someone else.

OK. Which address?

The one in the FAQ. earsavers@glowforge.com


mea culpa - thanks

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