Discussion of June '17 update

Thank you and glowforge staff!!!
Very excited and can’t wait using it!


Maybe if you ask nicely, and treated everyone (including GF staff) with the courtesy you would like to receive, folks would be more inclined to help out. With that being said, you might read the latest newsletter that came out this week. I think that might answer a chunk of your questions…


I did not ignore your funding statement, i just did not respond to it. You gave the original message that I am well aware of, I am asking for an updated message. As time moves on the funds can decrease due to overhead. I do not know what they are, they could be 2M a month for all I know. Then coupled with material cost and the cost of a CM doing manufacturing you could exceed the 33M total you provided in your answer. It is all conjecture and i was asking for an update on my risk.

In which I get in part…. “ask for a refund” I am aware of that option and is not a answer to my question about risk.

If my lack of response offended you, I apologize.


I expect you deduce wrongly. You appear to be personalizing every statement you parse. With your logic all the Canadians and Alaskans now have giant smiles on their faces because Dan said “heat” (hypothetically but you’re looking at it as if he looked you up to see that you live in AZ and is singling you out). Of course Mexican customers have now been consigned to the same boat. Australia & New Zealand are all going to be doing the happy dance as well - it’s the beginning of their cold season now.

Alternately you could look at this as not being all about you and maybe just maybe it has to do with getting 10,000 people (including you) what you were promised in the most efficient, expeditious and effective way.

No one is suggesting you shut up and sit down. What we’re suggesting is that you take time to read what has been said and look at it from a lens that does not revolve around how GF is trying to shaft you. You may find answers and rational reasons for why they’re doing what they’re doing that don’t involve screwing their customers.


That part of Dan’s post caught my eye as well because I’m in a hotter part of the state than you, but re-read his post, it’s not an issue:

As far as your fear of losing your money? It’s been stated before. Your money is safe and it’s still YOUR money until the day you confirm your shipping address. Your money is simply holding your place in line but is not being used for production until you give final confirmation of your order. That is why they have investors funding and fronting the costs.


I doubt it.

FYI: The Discourse forum software has a function for quoting. Highlight the text you want to quote, and then press the “Quote” button that appears. This allows people to click the quote link and read it in context.

Here is some wholly unsolicited advice from someone you have never met and have no reason to trust in any way: Don’t ask for a refund. Wait for your Glowforge.

That’s what I’m doing. I’ve been waiting a long time (Oct '15) and I’ll likely be waiting even longer, because I got a pro.

(why are so many people telling you to get a refund? It sounded, from your ‘typed tone’, like you needed assurances/information that they are just not gonna give you (or anyone). If the need for that info is a self-imposed ultimatum… well then you gotta do what you gotta do. I hear you asking if your money is safe, and saying that you do, indeed, want this product. My thoughts (about which I am certain and to which I feel entitled, but which you are free to disregard) are the the glowforge will arrive and that your money is as safe as money ever is in a bank (oh, wait, maybe safer than that… lotta crooked banks these days…). Is that 100% safe? Nope. Markets could all crash, everybody could nuke each other, there could be an outbreak of the black plague in Milpitas…)


You could have written this post about me! I have gone through the same experiences. I have a business and have been bragging up the Glowforge for a year and a half. I have had $5k (Pro model with the Air Filter) tied up for a year and a half. I have had to embarrass myself to my family and customers with every delay. (They all think its a scam) My friend in Texas got a refund after the last delay. I have never commented, I have just been patient. Yeah…whoopie…its shipping, but AGAIN, not until November now?! I have a huge show here in my town at the end of November and I was counting on that income going into winter. sigh But of course I’ll wait, and of course I will hear all about it from family and friends. All I have to say is it darn sure better be worth it, and it better hold up because my business is counting on this.


Or worse… California could succeed from the Union then impose hefty export fees, then the Union could impose huge import duties in retaliation. And then the Union decides that the Dictatorship of California no longer has any water rights and the whole place is brought to a crispy halt and then nobody gets their orders.


No, that is not what Dan said.

Pros are starting at the end of June. November is when all machines are done. They’ll be shipping in July and August and September and October and November.

You could assume yours will be the last one and count on November, or you can believe you’ll be somewhere between June 30th and November. Your call. But it’s not appropriate to imply that Dan said you’ve been delayed until November because that’s not what he said.


One can dream


The answer is: no. Absolutely not.


But when the People’s Republic of California runs out of water, where will the rest of the Fractured States of America get their fruits and veggies?

No, no, no.
Divided we fall.


I didn’t order mine until November, after the Oct 26 deadline. His post says the people who ordered before October 26th will have theirs by the end of October and THEN the rest of the orders will be shipped in November. So since my last ship date was August and it is now November, I would say that is a 3 month delay.

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I was really tempted to post a sarcastic reply but cancelled after typing it out and fearing some people on here would take it seriously. Enjoy the rest of your day and your evening putting out fires.


That’s mean. You should know your answer will be parsed.

“Is he saying ‘No’ he can’t answer my question” or “is he saying no, my money is not at risk”?

Guess which interpretation will prevail?

:grinning: That’s why I feel for you. You’ve got way more stamina & patience than I. :slightly_smiling_face:


I was posting virtually the same thing when yours popped up.


Heh, my wife tells me all the time that I am never going to get a Glowforge. She doesn’t read the forums like I do every day, and she doesn’t actually mean it. She says this to tease me a little. The friends that I have told are surprised that I have not received one yet, but overall they don’t care. I’m sorry to hear you have so much at stake if the Glowforge is delayed. Nothing I have read here leads me to think that the people at Glowforge are deceiving anyone. I feel that they were overly optimistic at times, and I can relate seeing how optimistic I was when I decided to order this machine, while knowing that the product wasn’t ready yet.


I don’t feel that there is any deception going on at all either. Like I said, I have never commented or posted about the delays, but todays update just really disappointed me. I’ve told my family that I feel like Charlie in the chocolate factory - behaving myself, not causing a ruckus, knowing that in the end it will all be worth it. I just really needed this thing by the end of August. Just felt the need to finally vent! I’m done now and will get back to work! :disappointed:


Waiting sucks for me too. My stepdad bought one as well, but sadly passed away nearly eleven months ago. He was excited to use it for building model airplanes and stuff. The thing is that it is good to set goals and be optimistic, but in the end you can’t see the future. Being a forum member probably puts you near other friendly users that may help you out cutting stuff if you need to hit a deadline. With ~10,000 orders, we are basically all in this together.

