Discussion of June '17 update

Honestly I was gonna post it too had he not already. Hahaha! :slight_smile:

I think weā€™ll be OKā€¦ hereā€™s a map. And we still have our imports from Mexico, Canada and Europe which are about $20 Billion each, annually. Source: https://www.ers.usda.gov/webdocs/DataFiles/47818/McyTOP15.xls?v=42842


As always, I appreciate the candor, @Dan. Things havenā€™t gone as smoothly as liked, but every time thereā€™s a setback, youā€™ve had a clearly stated reason for why, and what youā€™re doing about it.

And this isnā€™t even exactly a ā€˜setbackā€™, like the previous delays; before it was additional things that had to be done before fulfillment can begin. Now itā€™s simply ā€˜fulfillment is going slower than we wantā€™, and thatā€™sā€¦ Not something that makes me happy?

Particularly given the separation between the pro unit fulfillment and the air filters; Iā€™m operating in a context where running a hose to a window isnā€™t actually technically feasible, so the air filter was a required component of being able to run the device. This means Iā€™ll need to wait for the air filter before I can begin work, so I might as well delay my Pro unit shipping until the point that an air filter can accompany it.

But still, itā€™s a situation where I can still trust is being done in the best manner possible. I thank you and the rest of the Glowforge team for that.


Iā€™ll be fine. I get my fruits and veggies after theyā€™ve been converted to steaks, bacon and brisket :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Well, there ya go! You got it! You donā€™t even need this little ditty, although you might still be happier if you watch. :smiley:


I donā€™t think the Glowforge will fit down many chimneys :grinning:


Iā€™m just in the kind of mood where I found that actually appealing. Chortle!

Well, the RRoD, to my understanding, is a design flaw and not a manufacturing defect. That said, Glowforge has been working very hard to avoid any such flaws, which is part of why there were delays, and why production has been ramping up more slowly than technically possible. They have been working very hard to be certain that Glowforge has no such flaws, and that accelerating the production rate wonā€™t introduce any. That, and other factors, have delayed production and slowed order fulfillment, but I think anyone that has ever experienced RRoD, or any other such flaws introduced by or not caught because of a rush to market, would appreciate their care to get it right first.

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Just ignore the noise, your question was fair. some people just expect you to be as perfect as they are, if only we could be right? Questions are great, they help you make the decisions you need or possibly put your mind at ease, I appreciated your questions I had some similar but was afraid of posting for fear of being lashed out at, so thank you for asking them so I didnā€™t have to. Really :slight_smile: I didnā€™t question any of the other delays and have been overly supportive because I figured for a year or so I wouldnā€™t see anything but with this last delay I am allowed to have concernsā€¦ I said in my past post I feel like a crappy mom waiting this out and I doā€¦ā€œnotice how I repeated what I said in a past post and didnā€™t just expect that you had the time to read my every post ;)ā€ I already made investments mostly paying freelance artists I am working with. I support your questions and am really sorry if you feel like youā€™re alone. Thank you for asking them so the knives werenā€™t directed at me ā€¦ which they may now be, unfortunately Iā€™m only human. I plan on speaking up more, I couldnā€™t care less if someone wantā€™s to be snarky with meā€¦ I can handle snarkish snobbery. I have 4 teens ā€œwho are like totally way smarter then their dumb momā€ and an almost 10 year old going on 13ā€¦ I think you can handle it too :slight_smile:


thank you.

Anytime :smile:

Good news! Thatā€™s an incorrect impression.

My source is simple: I am not a forum regular, but I did place my order early morning on the very first day it went on sale. My Glowforge is on a truck, due to arrive on Monday, and I have the tracking numbers to prove it. QED. :wink:


That is great news, I am sure he will be happy to hear itā€¦ or read it :smile: I personally love it when I have a concern that is stressing me out and it turns out to be wrong. Iā€™m happy for you Mark hopefully you will post some of your creations.


If I had a pre-release, I donā€™t think Iā€™d mind moving back in line for my forever machine either. Moving back another three months (and more if I wait for filter and machine to ship together, which I probably will because Iā€™ve done the hose out the window thing and not having to do that anymore was the deciding factor for my :glowforge: purchase) is beyond frustrating. And disappointing. And many other ā€œingā€ words.



Actually given the water coolant, low temperatures are far more likely to be a problem than high. But @dan explicitly stated that it was a made-up example.


Actually its a bit disappointing for me too. Believe it or not, having a PRU is rather a lot of work. I would much rather have my own machine, design a few things for myself, and quietly fade back into obscurity, and i was kind of looking forward to being able to do just that.

The delays are rough on everyone. Even the PRU users. I donā€™t get to create projects for myself, I create them for everyone else to see and learn from, and spend as much time documenting them as I do creating them.

So yeahā€¦the delays are rough. I agree.




Really? Huh.


You disagree? :smile:

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I donā€™t think its hard work. I just do what Iā€™d normally do if I had my forever 'forge. If something goes boom I send an email. Glowforge in no way is requiring us to fill out daily forms or any specific tests of any kind.