Discussion of October 2017 update

Good! I didn’t qualify for UPS My Choice as I had it sent to a business. But guaranteed someone would sign for it

No, this was planned. They did not even have anything close to a final product design when they started taking money, let alone any ability to produce their vision or meet promised shipping dates. They had no intention nor ability to meet the promised timeframes. Then they continued to make adjustments to their story carefully as not to have everyone bail and ask for a refund. So I disagree. There was malice and deceit from the beginning, carefully executed as not to lose their initial supporters. The question of “malice”… defined as “ill will, spite, spitefulness; animosity” definitely fits the way they have deceived and treated their customer base. Even their deceitful and misleading way of calling “shipping” the day they ask if you want the device shipped to you! Very disrespectful to us as customers. “Shipping” means the day it leaves their facility. Plain and simple. They have taken a known and accepted term and used it in a totally deceitful and ambiguous way, allowing them more flexible options. Keeping the frog from jumping out every way they can.

I am constantly amazed at how anyone can stand by Glowforge’s actions and methods and not call it gross negligence. While I am still waiting for my Glowforge, I cannot excuse their actions and business decisions. Nor can I recommend anyone doing business with them at this point in time. I hope they change my mind by treating their customers with respect - good customer service, meeting promised deadlines, factual and reliable communications, etc. So far, they have done none of that.


You are, as always, welcome to your opinion. There are some who agree with you. There seems to be a lot more here who do not.


If you really feel that way then you should probably get a refund. Since the machine’s function relies on the company’s continued commitment to keep things running,if you truly believe that they had ill intent, how could you possibly trust them not to screw you over at some future date and leave you with an expensive paper weight? If I felt the way you did, I’d run as fast as I possibly could.


Ummm…yeah. If that is what you believe, I’d say a refund would be the way to go. Wanting to go ahead and get your GF from a company that you feel is willfully malicious and duplicitous would seem to be in strict contradiction to your own personal beliefs - I would think that would be very emotionally upsetting to you every time you looked at or used the machine. IMHO.


No November Update?

coming soon to a screen near you


soon like international shipping starting soon? :slight_smile:


I’m behind in writing it.


Pls say something about certifictions and international shipping.
It what be nice to know if we are able to preorder proofgrade material in advance or not. And it would be also nice to know how much international shipping is for proofgrade.
Thx :slight_smile:



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The shipping times are slowly improving

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No news to share - I don’t expect any developments on international deliveries until they begin, currently scheduled for late January.

Sent the email to support 10 days ago by the way… no reply after the “we will respond in 3 days” autoreply.

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Not advocating obnoxiousness - but I’d be sending a new email every 4th day. They’re the ones who created the 3 day SLA (and I’d argue that’s not acceptable in the long term - that’s FSL type “support”). So when they miss they need to be called out by getting more dropped in their lap - once they figure out that they’re going to suffer expansion of work when they miss the date they’ll either organize someone to triage and track follow-ups or they’ll have to get hit with more & more noise that will make the job harder & more likely to get resolved then everyone letting them miss and not poking them again. Since we don’t have access to the ticketing system, that means opening a new ticket.


Hi Lucid,

I also sent an email to support requesting my invoice before delivery, for duty purposes when I try and cross the border with it, and while it took them 12 days to get back to me (not the promised 3 days) they did indeed get back to me and provided me with an updated invoice.


@dan are you honestly saying that you won’t be updating international backers with progress updates re: either certifications or the availability of proofgrade materials as and when you know more?

Those answers aren’t going to land on your desk the moment before you push the button to ship internationally, so it would seem logical that between then and now you’ll know, for example, if you’ve completed a certain certification. Why wouldn’t you let the community of customers for whom this is pretty important information know at that point? Rather than make them wait until the stated deadline?

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I do not understand your incredulity. I don’t know about the materials issue, but for certifications for each country, people have the information they need already. They have the estimated date when they will be starting the fulfillment process to receive their Glowforge. In order to be able to do that, the company will have gotten the necessary certifications for that country.

As long as they meet those estimates, what does it matter if they get the CE mark (self)certified on Dec 23rd or Feb 1st? (To pull dates completely out of the air.) Or certification X for country Y on a particular day?

My incredulity stems from the fact that every delay has been announced at the point at which delivery should have commenced. The company now has a proven track record of not delivering when says it’s going to.

You seem pretty sure that company will have those certs in time, with all past evidence to the contrary and absolutely no intention to keep people appraised of the latest information. So I’m not sure why your certain.

Basically, I’m fed up of patiently waiting through a delay only to get to the day it’s supposed to ship and then having rug pulled from under me again. Forewarned, is forearmed; if the company misses it’s internal certification target for CE (let’s say that’s Jan 15th for sake of argument) then they’re plainly not going start shipping Jan 31st, and all orders from there on will be delayed. I don’t want to find that out on Jan 31st when the company knew for two weeks, that’s all I’m asking for.


After seeing a date a couple days before my birthday, and then a bit of lag till two weeks after my birthday, the timing is now a day after my birthday. I understand the timing is difficult but it would be incredible if it actually landed here on my birthday. :heart_eyes: