Discussion of the November Update

Middle of the country - Oklahoma. So we will see…

We’re working on the out of stock reports right now.

I should have the “golden” email for my basic if I ordered on day 27 since the banner shows shipping basics for day 28 correct?

Most people who ask that question are mistaken on which day. Day 27 was Oct 20. Is that when you ordered?

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I’d recommend checking glowforge.com/account, which will tell you when your email is due. If its blank, that means it’s been sent already.

Think this was meant for @toymango71. Got mine.

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:slight_smile: reply misfire.

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Mine just moved up 20 days. They are indeed ahead of their October schedule.

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Oh wow, I just got my golden email. Yay!


Got email on the 28th of Nov got my Glowforge today 4-Dec-2017. spot that has been waiting for 2 years fits it fine. I’m getting ready to do the setup. I was/am a little concerned that the box says fragile this way up and the drive had it on its side. Box looked fine though.

Cannot test yet as I’m still waiting for my starter kit, and shop is still sold out of what material I want to additionally buy.

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You don’t need to wait for your starter kit. Grab some Baltic Birch from your local Woodcraft (or order some from Amazon) and fire it up. I usually tell it I’ve got PG Maple Ply in it and use those settings. If I miss on some cuts, I’ll drop the zooms by 5 (from 155 to 150) and fire away :slight_smile:

You must be close to Flex and far from Modus for the GF to beat the PG pack.


Oh I’ll be testing today but couldn’t last night with no material and stores being closed. Live in WA state.


As we are now a week into December (and I am on Day 804 of waiting for my Glowforge), I will take it upon myself to be the first(?) to request a December update. Because more units are going out to customers I am sure this has less urgency for many people than it used to, but I am anxious to hear details of what is going on with the filter. Unless I missed something, the last we heard was that the first filters would start shipping out in January.


You missed something. Filters are going out much later. Check your delivery status from Glowforge.com and log in there to see your estimated shipping/email notification dates

I’m acutely aware that mine is not shipping in January, and my “shipping” estimate – which I check more frequently than is reasonable – has slipped from March to April since it went live. But the October update stated that “air filter units will start the shipping process in January” [emphasis mine]. I know from loooong experience as a Glowforge customer what that kind of language means, but if filters start to ship in January it means the design is done and they can start tackling manufacturing issues. If they don’t, there may be bigger problems and the filter may prove to be vaporware. Basically, in a trust-poor environment, I am trying to assess how seriously to take the promises that the air filter will be available in the near term, or at all.

The November update gave basically no information, and Dan would not be drawn on it in the discussion. Loooong experience as a Glowforge customer tells me that that kind of purposeful silence might be ominous.

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Sorry, I get it, you’re waiting for your :glowforge: until you can get your filter (?).
An official updated would be great as the last official date is filter date is January.
I think I heard a collective groan on this forum as people’s dates for filters have continued to slide (mine is now June!), but no official word yet.

True, but that information was superseded by the November announcement that said, in part:

… and …

It seemed clear (to me at least) that shipping updates would be handled individually (as had been requested pretty much continuously for the past year) instead of a monthly generic estimate. The fact that your Filter delivery date has been updated to a later date in your account (mine is too, btw) is the official word.

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Indeed. We switched from providing dates about the start of shipping and instead provide the date upon which we expect to ship yours.

FWIW, I ordered very early in the campaign and my filter date is, let’s say, quite a bit later than January. I’m still not sure you can extrapolate much about the state of manufacturing from that, though. What you’re looking for is for shipping to actually start, and we’ll only know that when it does.