Discussion of the September 2017 update (OLD)

I can offer a guess. The US is a very litigious society. And lawsuits can end a small company with the the punishment far outstripping the crime because the financial impact often hits far before any evidence is properly weighed in court. Plus, the aroma of wrongdoing can turn into a “run on the bank” especially in preorder land.

While I tend to be a bit on the skeptical side, I can see why some might worry about some ways of stating objective fact seem a little scary to some experienced folks.

Of course, there’s also human tribalism involved too. Sometimes we over identify with brands and think an attack on something we like is an attack on us.


Well, in May 2017, support wrote me it will be available at the end of August.
It was pretty good for me. If i don’t have any serious informations in October update, I think I will be forced to find another solution :frowning:

Awww! I hope not…I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you (for luck).

I felt better a few weeks ago when you would regularly see golden ticket posts and delivery and unboxing pics. When those appeared to have come to a halt, suddenly, my anxiety went up. Follow that up with no news from Glowforge, a statement like “You will see a slowdown while we reconfigure the assembly line so we can produce even more Glowforges”, or “We need to re-design the boxes again so your Glowforge arrives safe and sound.” That would reduce anxiety…

Unless we see a huge flurry of golden ticket emails, and soon, I know my anxiety level is going to increase. I’m an Oct 15 Pro order, so theoretically I should be somewhere in the middle of the pack to receive mine, coincidentally I’m thinking it should arrive about Oct 15 If they stick to the Delivery schedule they are apparently still predicting. Thats Just a bit over two weeks, and I don’t even have a golden ticket yet.


Neither do I. :slightly_smiling_face:

Each time there has been a new schedule of delivery dates I have always consoled myself by knowing I should be near the front end of the range because my order was very early on Day 4. We are now close to the end of the range and no prospect of getting it yet again. I doubt day 4 pros will be delivered in October and I doubt shipments to the EU will start either.

I once met a Man from Nantucket…
Oh, wait, thats not relevant. :rofl:


There once was a duck
Who fell in some muck.
He said what the…Oh, let’s not tell that story right now.


That is THE BIG problem for us :frowning:
No matter the moment you ordered…no one in EU has received a GF, neither an email…

Nor I :slight_smile: Lots of us in that group. No issue though. For some things I can be patient. Others are hard.


I lost track, I thought you had yours…
It’s a sad boat we are in. There’s lots of company here, for now.

Oh it’s not so sad…still learning a lot, and I kind of like the company around here. :wink:

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Nah. It’ll come.

It’s the International folks I feel bad for - they likely haven’t even seen one in real life and they’re getting no encouraging delivery news.


Yeah, me too. Wish there was something we could do about it, but other than expressing solidarity with our buddies overseas, there isn’t much to be done.

It is worth waiting for and I’m sorry that some folks have to wait a little longer. :pensive:


Well we’re not even overseas. Same continent even…

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I’m not making light of it, just stating a fact, but we’re not even trusting UPS to always get it safely to it’s destination here in the States yet. I don’t know what kind of problems they might be running into with transportation in other countries, and they’ll have even less control there than they do here.

The situation is difficult for everyone, and a hell of a lot worse for the international buyers. Absolutely no one is denying that.

And no one minds a little venting. But if you find that the venting, or listening to the venting, is making you more anxious instead of feeling better about the situation - please, for your own sakes, everyone just step away for a while.

I usually have to stay away from these update discussion threads, because it is really distressing to me to watch people suffer without being able to do anything to fix it. And people stepping in to try to fix it can actually exacerbate the situation.

Eventually everyone gets tired and frustrated and arguments start. Both sides are culpable. Both sides are right. And both sides are wrong. Because it’s not a right or wrong situation. It’s just a bad one that we’re all stuck in together.

Glowforge really does know how anxious everyone is. We need to stick it out together. I think we can, even if it gets a bit rocky along the way.


Let’s say that for customers in the USA, it is an expectation.
The products will be delivered one day, for sure!

For the rest of the world, we do not even know if it is possible in the end.
Maybe, it is an equation impossible to solve and we wait for nothing.

We now need more concrete infrmations than a simple “coming soon” to the next monthly update


How can I say it…
After reading your post my “anxiety about shipping” flew from a “I hope they’ll send me two GFs so i could build a working one” to “let’s take a flight to Seattle”. I’ll take you back home, my dear! :heart: :glowforge:


Seriously - you could buy it its own ticket cheaper than shipping charges but I think it’s too wide for most airplane seats (at least on US carriers). :smile:


We know what the hangups on international shipping are, and we know they are solvable. Glowforge problems aren’t unique, and have been solved by others before.
I am based in Norway and I am 100% sure that they will solve their international certifications and shipping problems, the only question is when.

My hope is that the gift certificate promised by glowforge won’t increase above USD $240 :wink: