Looks awesome! Seems like you have the settings dialed in perfectly…jealous lol
Very nice work @evansd2. You are getting amazing results. Clickbait post heading
Wow! Interesting technique.
Nice stuff but somehow you accidently turned on the clickbait settings.
I immediately knew this was your post when I saw the headline. Thanks for the chuckle!
I’m really loving the cardstock work. I know working with paper is pretty fast, but have never engraved. How long does that engrave take?
I didn’t believe what happened next!
This was a 5"x5" engrave at higher lpi and speed, so about what you’d expect. 40 ish mins sounds about right.
You are a card!
So the side shown before backlighting is the back of the engraved paper?
This is just so very cool! And so you to figure this out
Yup. Be sure to mask the back of your paper first so you don’t get scorch marks.
Also, once the engrave is done, take a soft brush to it and wipe away the loose fine ash layer. It’ll look much cleaner. Just do it somewhere that has good ventilation and you don’t mind dust (as in go outside).
I clicked, and waited with baited (sic) breath…
Very nice work as usual!
Thanks for that tip.