Does glowforge ever have plans to inprove quality?

Man, you’re such a smart person. However would we have not figured out that I fat fingered that?

Just to state the obvious here:

  1. We get frustration, that’s fine.
  2. The tone used when someone posts goes a long way in how people respond to that person.
  3. You are upset, and you’re here to vent. That’s fine, but the tone used is not something that I feel empathy for.
  4. You’re saying that you could pay more and have a better experience. Ok, then if you feel passionately about that, maybe you should give that a try.
  5. Good luck!

I used deduction.
i also reasoned that you are a major glowforge fanboy - having purchased 5 of them
and am puzzled why you are B&M’ing - with all the $ you have paid you could have bought a Trotec or a Boss laser, but you keep buying Glowforge.



Well on my way with another company. However, when you buy multiple machines to ensure that you never miss a beat and they all fail with different issues, I doubt it’s user error.

Most people who can’t afford to buy better machines would say anything to defend a company that obviously builds with low grade parts. Why would the grommets used that rub back and forth on a metal piece be made from plastic? That alone has set me back several weeks with broken machines.

images (31)

I don’t understand why you would keep buying Glowforge machines if you hate them so much.

Good luck!


I bought three they replaced two.

I’m actually buying two Epilog machines this week.

You guys ride Glowforge so hard that you make any excuse possible to deflect blame :rofl:

People should really be educated on the truth of these machines and how much they fail.

Case and point proven. People defend this company and their lack of reliability to make themselves feel better. See this post from another user that was just posted.

I was a huge supporter of this machine, had several friends buy one based on our recommendations, but in the last month, this thing has just been garbage. its peak order time and for the second time in 2 weeks the thing is a brick. I now have to cancel orders, lose money and reputation because of quality control issues with these machines. I even defended this company on the many FB groups I’m in. I’m at the point of returning it and getting something reliable

Nobody knows the outcome of another path. It is very easy to see the bad bits of the path you took and take for granted the good bits. it is equally easy to think that the other path would not have the problems and not imagine the real problems that would occur.

This is not about Glowforge, but almost every area of life, the house you chose not to buy, or car, or life partner that did not happen. There are folk here who were very happy with their Glowforge but have moved on much more expensive lasers as their need for volume was a happy effect that would not have happened without starting with a Glowforge.

I am on my third machine but all the issues were different and the first one was mostly my fault. If there are many machines and always the same issue then it is not likely the machine or luck.


Then buy something else and move on.
Good Luck.

No one asked you to post on here. You hurt that the company makes such low quality products?

Yes, it is not likely the machines or engineering but user error. Just like with are that all have the same issues (mine werent) and that’s why they create recalls on vehicles. Buy yes, you’re absolutely correct and I am incorrect. Maybe there is no need for recalls on anything as replicating the same problem over and over is perfectly normal :rofl: you guys have lost it.

You’re still here?
Epilog forums are this way… :point_right:


The parts you mentioned are easily replaceable and easily available.
I keep a set of parts and the black cable on hand,

part breaks? 15 mins im back working


Probably because if they were made of metal, they’d deform the aluminum guide rail over time.

The wheels have been made of different types of plastics by different manufacturers over the years. Which one they use at a given time is perhaps dictated by what the supply chain can make available at sufficient quantities and tolerances.

Regardless, you can readily buy replacement wheels and belt guides on eBay and Etsy, so that should never have you down for long. They’re dollar parts, keep a spare or two around.


Hey, both of you – knock it off…


Over every owner, you would have a point, but when confined to specific customers over and over while 99.9% of customers do not have that problem, not so much.


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So we are all out of time out?


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