Elliptical boxes in Inkscape

Oh yeah…I forgot to post the results…yes and no…lol
It took alot of the smell but not all. I ended up spraying clear coat on it and that worked.


I cannot for the life of me get this installed on my mac. I downloaded the 2 files (ell_box.py and ell_box.inx) and put them in the inkscape extension folder. Then I made a new folder inside the extensions folder and labeled it Inkscape_helper and put the 2 helper files in that folder. I can see the extension in Inkscape, but get this error

. Any ideas where I went wrong?

My elliptical box extension shows up under laser tools, but no matter what settings I try it gives me some kind of error.
“Inkscape has received additional data from the script executed. The script did not return an error, but this may indicate the results will not be as expected.”
"Traceback (most recent call last):
File “ell_box.py”, line 3, in
import Inkscape_helper.inkscape_helper as doc
ImportError: No module named Inkscape_helper.inkscape_helper

Am I extension challenged?

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thank you