Engraved Leather Travel Journal

Whenever I travel I always like to keep a travel journal of my trips. This was a bit of a test run to get my feet wet so I used a Tolkien quote. I like the idea of the cover being engraved with details, location and dates of the specific trip.
This wasn’t PG (obviously) but I did use the PG leather settings.

Hope to do a lot more with leather soon.

This journal was too thick to engrave with the tray in but thanks to a :glowforge: post by nathan_p Cutting Without the Crumb Tray - The NO MATH Edition that wasn’t a problem


Would love to see it—how about a photo?

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I’m bookmarking in hope that there will be a picture soon. This is one of the first things I want to try.

I was trying to make sure I gave credit for the tutorial that I actually forgot the photos! :woman_facepalming:t4:


I was trying to make sure I gave credit for the tutorial that I actually forgot the photos! :woman_facepalming:t4:
Edited the original post to add pics. It turned out great planning a lot more leather projects.

Oh, very pretty! Like the cross stitching. :grinning:

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I always say it’s not that people can’t make art, it’s just that they forget the details. This is really cool!


Turned out great! Love the idea of engraving things about the trip into the actual journal cover.