Error: An error occurred on your Glowforge. Please refresh your browser before printing. It may also help to turn your Glowforge off and then on again

My Glowforge plus keeps a popup the error message:

An error occurred on your Glowforge. Please refresh your browser before printing. It may also help to turn your Glowforge off and then on again.

I tried to refresh my browser, and also turn off glowforge and on. But the error message still popup all the time.

Please advise…

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Try to clear your browsing history, specifically any cached images and files.

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I did clear my browsing history and cleared cached images and files. But the error message still showing up…

I think GF have been having issues today, I’ve had all sorts of variations on that today, with both the software and machines disconnecting at times through the day.

I received the same error message this morning at approximately 10AM ET. I assumed it was because I was trying to upload artwork that was on a .webp file extension but maybe not now that I’m seeing several of you with the same issue.

Does .webp even work with Glowforge? I can’t open it in Photoshop or Illustrator.

I see you already emailed us about this and we’re working on it there, so I’m going to close this topic.