Error message, bed image doesn't refresh

My bed image won’t refresh and i keep getting error messages.

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Welcome to the community. Which browser are you using? I suggest you close your browser and reopen…or try a different browser.


I have been using Chrome.

What error message are you getting? Have you tried resetting your router? Have you tried a different browser?

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i tried a different browser, still having same problem. The message says, We’re sorry, unexpected error has occurred. If issue persists, please contact customer support.

Generally what happens is the error gets ~stuck~. There are a few steps to follow.

Turn everything off.
Open your browser and go into settings and clear the cache.
Open the GFUI.
Select the Gift of Good Measure.
Turn on your machine.
Hit print.
You don’t have to actually print it, but that should clear the error.

If not, you’ll want to reach out to support (you can call them on Monday) and tell them everything you did and the serial number of your machine and they can clear the error on the back end.

*If after getting it cleared, the error comes back there is likely an issue with whatever file you were trying to cut. Let us know if that’s the issue!


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