Error when opening SVG File

I purchased a new SVG file. I have saved it to my computer and when trying to open the file I keep getting the error message, asking me to restart my browser and turn my machine on and off. I have done this a couple times. Tried three different browser and triple checked the file, to make sure it opens in other programs. Not sure what is going on, please help.

Welcome to the forum.
Some purchased files can be a problem. Have you tried opening other files that have worked in the past to see if they process properly? Try opening the Gift of Good Measure. If it opens the problem is your file. If it doesn’t open, there is some other glitch.

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My other files seem to work when uploading so my initial thought was that it was a file error but I opened the file in Inkscape with no issues. Checked the properties and don’t see anything out of the ordinary. I re-downloaded the file and still having an issue.

Might do nothing but have you tried opening it in inscape, save it as a plain svg from there and try opening the new save? if that does not work open again in inkscape and do the clean up document function under file, save and try opening again on the dashboard.


Since it is a purchased file you can’t share it here and have others take a look so you are going to have to resolve this on your own or with the seller. If saving it in Inkscape as a Plain SVG doesn’t help perhaps you could export as a pdf.


This worked, thank you!


Not a problem my pleasure, it has gotten me out of a jam or 2 in the past.


Thanks for the answer @primal_healer , that’s right. I’m going to close this thread @ptpercival - if the problem reoccurs, go ahead and post a new topic. Thanks for letting us know about this!

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