Exhaust setup

Why do I have the feeling crumb tray cleaning is going to dissolve into the clean vs seasoned grill grate camps?


My beloved mother used to say that if you change your mind a lot, you’ll have a cleaner mind. Like David, I get the notion that I will want to clean my crumb tray more often than some. For me, it may mean that a clean crumb tray equates to a cleaner and more uncluttered mind. :smiley:


I believe we are seeing some sort of problem with the camera on your machine specifically and the team is investigating.

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While this thread got derailed into cleaning, it still is one of the more recent relevant threads about exhaust and venting. Thought I’d post Matthias Wandel’s demonstration of sharp ninety degree vent versus gradual vent made of two 45 degree sections. Enough difference in that if you are stretching an unassisted vent run, consider this for the bends.


Do you have a picture or link of the Lowe’s part you are talking about? I’m still having trouble with venting, and going through these old threads are helping but some extra detail would help me a ton!

I’ve got a picture of it here:

That white part in the middle screws apart, and we’ve got it sealed to the actual vent with silicone in a couple of places.

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Oh ok thanks. What are you using on the glowforge side, if you don’t mind my asking?

Just a standard worm clamp. :slightly_smiling_face:

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