Experimenting with thin finger joints

Woah! I’d be afraid my big fingers would break all those little fingers. Good jorb!

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Wonderful example of small finger joints that are possible with the glowforge :+1:t2:

How did you round the corner ?

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Original post mentioned how I did the rounding …

They are actually pretty strong, just to be sure the grain runs along your fingers, not across.

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Oops :roll_eyes:

Yes I can see that now. My not reading all the words, bit me in the :scream: again.

Uh words strung together to make sentences and thoughts and STUFF…


I will do better glowforge family.

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drill a 0.115" hole down the middle and drop in a bamboo meat skewer and you have a nice hinge :smile:


It’s 1/8” material, not sure that’d be too strong :wink:

Now a skinny little brass wire maybe…

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Its bamboo, likely stronger than the wood around it, all the grain in one direction. Try breaking one between your fingers on one hand. I cannot.

I wasn’t worried about the bamboo, I was worried about the 1/8" walnut…


There you have a point, in that case perhaps a thin brazing rod,

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If you really want to go thinner you could try creating the cut in three layers. The first layer would be the left side of the finger, the second would be the right, and the third would be the bottom.

In theory it would allow some cooling between cuts. It seems scorching gets worse as your cuts get closer. This might give you just a bit more tolerance.


Yeah, good idea, I’ve done a few experiments with splitting up the cuts like that, it’s got promise. I think you will start to see diminishing returns pretty soon here, and I like the look of this, so I am not likely to fool with it any further.

Also, I have a feeling that performance any tighter than this will depend so much on the materials you’re using, another thing I don’t want to get too deep on at the moment.


Very nice! I like the scale of it.

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I am also now experimenting with tiny fingers (about 0.1") and sanding the corners round. I am not overly fond of the black and white look of fingers generally, but the experiments showed something unexpected. When glued the result is immensely strong and stable, far more than with my more usual (up to now) sliding joint, but the glue is needed even if a hammer or vice is needed to tighten the pieces. With boxes.py doing the math the rest is not difficult.


You might like my dice tray, it used thin fingers with purpleheart in a similar way.

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I do very much like your dice tray! I have had a big plank of it that (i Hope) but have heard many warnings about breathing the dust (and fumes?) of purpleheart and so have had concerns in that regard. Am wondering of your experience with it on such a point.

I didnt have any issues, but I also was careful (as I am with all sanding and lasering) to have good ventilation.

I tend to sand outdoors when I can, and wear a dust mask and eye protection.

When I can’t sand outdoors, I use my sanding table, here:

Wow! How did you get the Mines of Moria as a sanding table


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LOL that’s what I always thought it looked like, a Moria discotheque.

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And then there is 3D Warehouse