Dice tray time

Build notes:


Ooooh! Nice wood. :smile:

Did you stain it or is that purpleheart or some other really cool thing I can’t afford?


Very nice! The cork is a good idea, how do the dice behave? does the cork add or preserve the energy?

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It’s a good neutral rolling surface. Dampens the bounce just a bit, helps keep your dice in the box.


Purple heart. Not the most expensive exotic, but also not free. While I got this from Woodcraft, I actually just ordered some from a supplier that I posted elsewhere.

These guys:

Fun trick, search ebay for “1/8 lumber”. That’s how I found these guys. Good prices, and they shipped next day. I’ll update when I get the goods and give a real review.


Superb color in that.
I built my jeweler’s bench toolbox out of it. Surprised me when I cut it, it looked like black walnut. I stacked the pieces I had cut overnight, and surfaces that had been exposed were red in the morning. Oxidation I presume.


Nice job and thank you for sharing info.

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Don’t know how much is oxidation, though that fast most likely. Resources I’ve read indicate that it has an ongoing transition in color from UV exposure.

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actually pretty cheap. My wife and I built mini pallets out of it for our wedding center pieces for less than $200 and I still have a pretty large chunk of it sitting around