Export from Glowforge

I am trying to export from Glowforge to send to customers as a mock up of what I am designing for them. How can I get it to export all to one color? When I do it now all of the pieces are a different color even though I have tried grouping and making them all the same settings.

You may have to open in your design software to make the changes before sending to your customer.


I currently use glowforge app because I haven’t figured out other programs yet

Maybe put a sheet of white paper in the bed and send a screenshot of the design space instead. You’re always going to get different colors on export if you create in the GF app as every item you add becomes a different step.

(Learn another program for at least basic editing, it will make your life easier and save you time. There are many free/cheap ones)


If you post your .svg here one of us can quickly turn it all black for you - but for the future, that’ll be a design program thing.
If you let us know which one you’re considering we could walk you through the change.


You can export your designs from the Glowforge app and save them to the cloud or on your computer to use in the future. I’m afraid I don’t have any guidance on how to save it all as one color.

To export and save a design

  1. Go to https://app.glowforge.com/ and sign in.

  2. On the Dashboard, point to or touch the design you want to save and click Open.

  3. Click the 3 dot More menu, select Export Design, and then follow the onscreen instructions.

When you export designs, the exported file includes any designs that you uploaded, images that you traced, and any artwork and graphics that you inserted using the Premium Creative tools.

If you export catalog-based designs, those exports will include any of your own added artwork, but not the original catalog design.

I’ll leave this thread open in case you need some additional help.