Fingers stained from Proofgrade

Hi, I have purchased a Glowforge from a third party. Seems to be working as expected. I’ve done 3 prints and all came out perfect. I started noticing though that my fingers were turning brown. Seemingly because of the burning of the wood. Has anyone else run into this?

I’ve washed my hands a few times and it’s still not coming off. Im questioning how safe the Proofgrade material is for kids/adults/Granny

Any ideas here?

The laser burns its way through things you cut. It the material you are cutting is organic it will char along the cut line. People use different methods to wipe that away before handling it too much.


I can’t say I’ve ever had an issue where the char didn’t come off my hands with just some soap and water. If I’m doing a lot of work and don’t want to constantly wash my hands in the middle of it, I might use a baby wipe.

Honestly, though, I’m surprised you’re seeing anything like that with three prints.


Come right off mine with a liitle soap and water. I certainly don’t think it would be harmful unless you plan on actually sucking your fingers clean - and even then I doubt it.


I have found Hand Sanitizer to be a universal solvent for the crud on your hands or on the wood. It has a problem with glued sawdust (MDF) as it will dissolve that glue too.


thanks for the feedback. It finally came off after a day or so of scrubbing.

Bring up another question though, is it safe for kids? I scrubbed and sanded, where I could, on the print to remove the burn but it seems like it never fully comes off. Is there a best practice for this? Will spraying it will a sealant lock it in? The plan for the Glowforge was to print personalized toys for family and my kids. If I give them all a hazardous material with embalming fluid rubbing off on their hands, that will not be great : )

The crud is what you get if you distilled the wood.not somrething you want to blend for makeup but for the most part not a serious poison the the case of the PG wood species. Getting into exotic woods, things are not so clear, but mostly it is about allergies. Plastics can get crazy with famously PVC plastics will degrade to chlorine, not good to breathe, but will absolutely destroy your machine.


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