Hi Everyone! This was another fun one that evolved on its own. I enjoyed making the shield in The Dungeon Master’s Hoard and wanted to make another one. But when I got the base slates done, I thought I’d make it in to a lid for either a barrel or a well cover or something. Then settled on making a barrel. Thought about what I could put in the barrel, settled on gun powder (hot glue and a toothpick to stab it a million times worked great and would look good unpainted as salt, but I painted this black with a thin layer of silver and a thin coat of varnish to give it the sheen). Sticks of dynamite seemed the next logical pairing. Then I needed a setting for all this big pile of boom (for a minute I thought about doing a mini Guy Faux mask and making it a historical piece about November 5th, but decided instead on a hastily evacuated mine shaft over some spilled nitro. Always have to get a little bit of piece of action, they’re boring if they just sit there.
Used the GF to score/cut the timber frames for the walls on medium drafboard (they also have little holes cut in them so putting the toothpick nails in was easier then just trying to glue it flat on to the timber), the rest is all chipboard, cardstock, toothpicks, hot glue, paint, distressing ink, some black wire. I get these multi-packs of small glass bottles from Hobby Lobby/Michael’s and haven’t found many uses for the amber ones, but it seemed more fitting than a clear one for this one, I just wish the hot glue would have dried more clear than it does. Resin probably would have been better, but I don’t have any and I’ve never even done resin before. And of course, why use real pebbles (which I do have and could have used) when I could do it the hard way and make hot glue blobs painted to look like rocks? Gave me lots of ideas of little rock walls and burial mounds and stuff though. Who knows what’s next, because I surely don’t…
Thanks for stopping and taking a look, and until next creation, Happy Forging!