First burn (aside from the tutorial)

New to glowforge, old hat to 3d printing, terrible artist.

I was sitting at lunch today thinking of what to try as a first project when I saw this picture of a beatles venn diagram on my facebook feed. I imported the picture and vectored it, found a couple of snippets from an old beatles song sheet of mine drew an outline and a circle (failed to completely center it though) and uploaded all of the files. Turned out ok - the text on the source pic is not super clear either.

Final product Final Product

Original pic Original Pic

Fun stuff - 1:35 minutes to print, maple plywood from the starter kit.


Turned out great! Love the diagram idea! :slightly_smiling_face:
(BTW, you can just drag and drop images onto their own line in any post…saves having to store them.)


Thank you - and thank you for the tip on the images!


That is so cool. I haven’t been a long term consumer of Beatles music, but I do appreciate it.

First time I experienced someone dying younger than expected was the mother of my best friend in seventh grade. She died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 55. Had six kids. My friend was the youngest. Sang at her funeral. Stayed friends with her daughter till this day. Is the closest five of friends.

Funeral was on a Friday. I listened to The Beatles, 1967-1970 non stop for the whole weekend locked in my room. A major tranformation took place within me. Haven’t purposely sought to listen to them since then. Kind of like, yes, it served its purpose and remains on the shelf forever.


Nice first project! You will find that you are thinking of things as you wake up, eat your meals, taking a walk, watching tv … constantly. It’s a great thrill to bring those thoughts to an actual cut/engrave on the Glowforge!

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Amazing how powerful music can be in our lives, each song in it’s own time and place. Thank you for sharing your story.


Thank you! I got started in 3d printing a couple of years ago and found that to be true, setting up the laser cutter was like Christmas morning :wink: