Foam Core Settings - From my P-51 Mustang Post

Original post: P-51 Mustang Airplanes (foam core) - Just for fun while we wait for the Turkey

Material Thickness: .156"
Pass: (Speed/Power)
Score: 300/7
Hinge: 200/25
1st Cut: 200/60
2nd Cut: 200/60

This is the foam core I bought from Amazon (I didn’t shop around a ton, it was more of a proof of concept):

I was inspired by the “FliteTest” youtube channel.

Hopefully these setting work for you. But as the topic says, try at your own risk…


That’s great, I’ve never tried to cut the thin stuff, so that saves me some testing. :slightly_smiling_face:

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might have to try this out on a few of the Flite Test plans. Save my self from random guessing to start with

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Thanks, now do Depron. :wink:

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I have been cutting some 3/16th foam core (both black and white) with speed of 310 and full power on a pro. Seems to work well. Faster might work too, I am working my way up in speed until I fail.

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