ForgeFest: A Glowforge Convention

Burleson County to start – gotta handle the logistics of helping our parents move to a retirement home and figure out what to do with the house and all the stuff in it.

After that probably the Athens area. NPs can’t practice independently in TX, so I’ll likely end up practicing with my MD brother there. Also it’s closer to DFW, which is where my daughter and SIL are moving with my grandkids in a couple of weeks.

I have to get my other ankle fixed and wind things up with my practice, etc. here, so we won’t get down there until probably Novemberish.


I think you’re right about the automatic account generation when you sign up for a GF account.

There are 5-6000 people who’ve gotten a badge for their first like. I wonder what sort of correlation there is to people who aren’t willing to give a single “like” to people who wouldn’t be willing to attend a conference with total strangers…

If we followed up MakerFaire in NYC we could maybe work with one of the local makerspaces. I’d be happy to be on a planning committee in that case. If it’s in Texas, I’d definitely take a backseat. Of course, Seattle would be a reasonable location if GF wanted to be involved. :slight_smile:

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there’s also the big maker faire in SF, if we want to stick to the big ones.

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Yes, but it’s in 3 months, whereas NYC is in 7. :slight_smile:

I do love SF, though…

Honestly, 15 month may be more realistic than 7.


Depends on the size of the event, but you may be right. If we go that way, hopefully some interested folks here have strong contacts in SF. I have familiarity with/contacts in NYC, but less so in SF.

i’m not necessarily promoting one over the other. and hopefully @Dan and the rest of the GF crew would have good contacts at both. i think either is big enough to be a proper draw in general to make it a worthwhile pairing.

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I’m NYC. I’m not sure if there is another Glowforger in my area, but maybe we can put something together during The Maker Fair in NYC.

Oh, there are many in the NYC area…y’all have fun. :smile:

I think either would be great as well as long as we’re looking further out than this spring. :wink:

The question is if Dan and the gang (or whoever else has contacts in any of the areas) is willing to help with the planning. If there’s any sort of money changing hands, this needs to funnel through a legal entity. I don’t know if any one of us wants that liability, though. I know I don’t.

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A quick hijack of the thread for a moment I had been driving from Miami to Tucson with apet baby Capybara that was still only a foot or so at the shoulder and at a rest stop near Houston I was walking it about when a Texas cliche of a man walked up wearing everything but the chaps and said “What the hell is That!”

Now that was the first words out of the mouth of nearly anyone who walked up (a total of three said “where did you come by the capybara”)but the situation was just way too easy and obvious…

" You mean sir that Texas has no Guinea Pigs?"


For shame! :rofl:

BTW, where did you come by a baby capybara?


It was an exotic pet shop in Miami that I was wandering in. There were two there one nearly the size of a guinea pig that was very mean and would bite anyone, but the other was actually free about the shop and loved having it’s chin scratched and was so friendly that I got it. I lived upstairs of a few businesses and the folk across the hall had 2 dogs and several cats so I did not think there would be a problem.

So I have a conversation with the neighbor across the hall and in explaining that it was a large guinea pig all the spies heard was “pig”. So the landlord asked the woman “does Danforth have a pig?” and she laughed in his face and walked away.

So the next day I get a call
“Do you have a PET!”
“What is it!”
Seeing no reason to get too technical I said
“its a guinea pig sir!”
“I heard you were walking it on a leash!”
“Yessir” “It is a capybara guinea pig sir!” “they are larger than the usual ones”
I did not explain that it was only a few months old and would be 4 times as big eventually, but as I had already planned to go back to Arizona so he did not pursue it farther but said that if I was not already leaving I would have to leave,
As the neighbors had many more pets it would have been fun to fight him but as I said I was leaving.


But can also do the Renaissance Festival of in October.

I’m still for sale excuse to go back there :slight_smile:


Now that would be fun! :smile:


We’re full up to the gills or we’d be organizing one ourselves. :slight_smile:


@dan thanks for chiming in… I suspected as much!


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