Forum glitches while we enable https

Chrome gets its list of DNS servers from the host operating system, so it should be using the same DNS servers. However, it does not use the operating system’s name resolution library. Instead it has its own resolver, which talks directly to the DNS servers and does its own caching.

I did some digging and I found that you can view the state of Chrome’s internal DNS cache. Open this link in Chrome to see the state of its internal DNS resolver (and clear the cache if needed): chrome://net-internals/#dns

I was able to clear the DNS cache and now Chrome loads the forum properly for me. :slight_smile:


I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about there. I’m unaware of this “name resolution library” you speak of. Also “its own resolver?” It’s not a DNS server. It can only query the DNS servers you’ve defined in the connection. Those servers resolve the names to addresses. Chrome does not have any such functionality. “Caching.” Yes… I don’t know of a browser that doesn’t cache things (by default). And that’s why I suggested clearing the caches earlier today. I’m glad that fixed your particular issue! :slight_smile:

  • Tom

this maybe is what he is referring to but I doubt it

Host name resolution generally uses the following sequence:

The client checks to see if the name queried is its own.
The client then searches a local Hosts file, a list of IP address and names stored on the local computer.

NOTE: The Hosts file location depends on the operating system:
Windows NT %Systemroot%\System32\Drivers\Etc
Windows 95 <Windows folder>
Windows for Workgroups <Windows folder>
Windows 3.1 <Windows folder>
MS-Client 3.0 \Net
Lan Manager 2.2c Client \Net

Where %Systemroot% is the folder in which Windows NT is installed, is the drive on which the OS is installed, and refers to a boot floppy disk or drive C.

A sample hosts file, Hosts.sam, is installed with the TCP/IP protocol showing the proper format.
Domain Name System (DNS) servers are queried.
If the name is still not resolved, NetBIOS name resolution sequence is used as a backup. This order can be changed by configuring the NetBIOS node type of the client.

A DNS resolver is a piece of code that talks to a DNS server to do name lookups. Typically a resolver will also do some caching, but not always. The resolver is normally provided by the operating system, typically as part of the C library. (e.g., in glibc on Linux)

(image stolen from Wikipedia)

Chrome, however, does not use the resolver provided by your operating system. Google wrote their own DNS code. It talks to DNS servers directly and does its own caching. (The source code to Chrome’s resolver is here if you happen to be interested.)

“DNS client” would be a more straightforward name but for historical reasons it’s usually known as the resolver.

Web browsers cache the content of pages. It’s the DNS resolver’s responsibility to cache DNS records. The usual command to clear caches in a web browser only clears the cache of web pages; it doesn’t affect the DNS cache. This is why Chrome’s usual “clear cache” command wasn’t helping people. They need to clear the resolver’s DNS cache (in this case the one for the DNS resolver built into Chrome) or wait for records to expire from the cache.


Good one. I just started having a problem with the forum using Chrome and flushing Chrome’s DNS cache fixed it.

Well done. I wasn’t aware this existed! Fixed it for me. Thanks!

Had no problems on my android phone but couldn’t get in with the app…weird…lol

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I was having incomplete SSL sessions with the community until I completely logged out first, and then signed back in (with a new cookie).

Try going to your settings/Avatar menu… scrolling to the bottom and clicking and see if that helps. It cleared up everything in every browser for me.

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Thanks for that effort! I think we may be talking about the same things, generally, but naming them differently. I’d go into detail, but I think we’re both happy with our answers. I’m going to respectfully agree to disagree with some things you’ve said, but we’re definitely not far apart. But, hey, that’s what makes the world go 'round, eh?

  • Tom
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Update…left to run errands, when I returned, I could access the forum on both Firefox and Chrome again (Mac).



Thanks a million for all the feedback! We’ve been coordinating with Discourse to try and resolve problems - it looks like the worst of this is passed, so I’m going to relocate this thread to Everything Else.


I found that you might need to delete the Discourse reference to and then add it back in.

I believe, because it was configured while the forums were http, the attempt to connect to the https: website is being rejected. Most SSL sites that have apps will generate a unique first time key pair to valid the relationship.

Let me know what happens, I have more iOS, Android, Windows phones and computers than any sane person would ever try to use.


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