Four Color Wood Block Print

Thanks! I’ll check it all out. That was really informative.

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I’ve tried a couple of registration approaches - and built jigs for both. The one that works best is a 2 pin approach (not unlike that used in old time cel animation stands). I use a small hole punch for the source paper but I assume a standard 3 hole paper punch would work as well. Here’s a picture of the punch and stand


The speedball professional oil-based inks seem to work well for me. The water-based ones not so much.


Oh that’s excellent! Kinda like Ternes-Burton registration pins but more tidy. Thank you so much for sharing.

These are so lovely! I recently tried making plates of of chipboard as my first attempt. I was happy with the results, but I struggled with the mess, time spent, shallow etching depth as well as other shortcomings of using chipboard. (I enjoy a bit of serendipitous splatter and mis-registration, but maybe I achieved too much?)

I explored cutting the plate shapes but had logistical issues with managing all the stray pieces ( I get a little impatient). You post has made me think it through and I feel as if I can try it again with better success. Thanks!

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Thank you. There’s quite a bit of engineering designing the pieces so that I can align them while printing as well as when gluing the layers in the printing blocks. I do try to cut as much and engrave as little as I can and still get the detail. the outer edge of the block for layer 2 is shaped so I can eyeball align it with layer 1 when printing; that helps a lot.