April 12, 2018, 1:19pm
Eine Frage hätte ich noch, in den Werbevideos wird gezeigt wie man bei einem Bild Gravur und Schnitt definieren kann, jedoch wenn ich ein Bild importiere heisst es immer Bilder können nur Graviert werden.
Leider sind alle die Ausbildung in Englisch, ich spreche kein Deutsch. Die Links zu den Lernprogrammen, die Ihnen helfen sollen, die Verwendung der Software zu erlernen, sind nachstehend aufgeführt. Viel Glück und ich hoffe, dass Sie die Software lieben werden, sobald Sie lernen, sie zu benutzen.
Dies ist das erste Mal, dass Sie lernen sollten:
Learn By Doing - Your First Prints
Wenn Sie weitere Informationen benötigen, sind diese Anleitungen hilfreich…
The Dashboard: Sign in to app.glowforge.com
Keyboard Shortcuts and Maneuvering in the Interface:
Copy (Select item)… CTRL/CMD + C
Paste (Select item)… CTRL/CMD + V
Undo … CTRL/CMD + Z
Delete (Select item) … Press the Delete key on the keyboard.
Update on Delete: _After the Autosave Settings Saver migration on 01/08/2018, if you delete a part or item from your file it will stay gone when you close it.
The next time you open the file, it will not be there.
If yo…
I’m going to demo an alignment process below using my (ancient) version of Adobe Illustrator, but the process is the same for Inkscape or CorelDraw or Affinity Designer. Whichever one you like to use, you’ll do the same things, with the tools in that program. (I’m also going to give you the thought process that goes into creating a design with 2D Design software, to keep from having to write another one up, so if you can slog through it, you’ll pick up some stuff you need to know to make thing…
It’s soooooo easy to create files easily in programs like Illustrator, Inkscape, CorelDraw and Affinity Designer if you understand what the Glowforge interface sees when it looks at your file.
(Think of this as a last batch of Tips and Tricks, then I’ll quit bugging you.)
I’m going to demo in Illustrator again, but the same things will be done in whatever program you choose to use for your designs.
If you have questions about specifics for other kinds of drawing and modeling software, …
For All Programs:
If you want to engrave a bitmap (raster) style image and include it inside a vector SVG file, you need to Embed the image in the file if you want it to stay aligned inside the SVG file. Otherwise you will need to re-load the raster file and use the camera to align it visually.
(That’s fine, but you will completely lose the benefit of more accurate alignment that you get from the design software.)
There are instructions for how to Embed raster images for some of the main 2D…
The Matrix:
For using the Glowforge:
Glowforge Customer Knowledge Base - Laser
Click on the Arrows at the Links below to be taken to the tutorials,
Unboxing to first print video - Glowforge.,Glowforge Unboxin...
For Using Photoshop, GIMP and Paintshop:
Glowforge Customer Knowledge Base - Raster Programs
Hover over the link and click on the arrow to be taken to the tutorial
Raster (Bitmap) Based Drawing Programs,Adobe Photoshop,GIMP,Corel Paintshop
Laser Related Basic Reference Tutorials
For using Illustrator, Inkscape, CorelDRAW and Affinity Designer:
Daily schedule
Glowforge Customer Knowledge Base - 2D Vector Programs
Click on the Links below (pop-up arrows) to be taken to the tutorial
2D Vector Programs
Glowforge Specific,Adobe Illustrator,Inkscape,CorelDRAW,Affinity Designer,Vector...
For using Fusion 360, OnShape, Openscad, Rhino, etc.