Frequent bump message then jagged lines


Yesterday I received a bunch of bump messages for an hour or two while printing on my Pro. I did the things to address it, like covering the lid so there was no glare on the material. That kinda worked but still received a bunch of bump messages. Also a light came on that I didn’t know was there! just under the cutting head but it seems to me intermittent, and have not seen it since.

Today I was able to run a short print without any problems but when I ran the same print a second time the lines came out jagged, like there was a stutter in the machine.

I feel like these issues are connected and worry the servos are malfunctioning.

the rollers on all axis are free of debris. I tested a single line going up and then across and the stutter runs in both directions. I assumed if there was some debris I was not seeing this would isolate which direction to check.

any thoughts?

Given your Glowforge skill (Bee Keeper), I suspect that you have checked all of the obvious things - debris in the belts/rails, belt tension, machine level, etc. The white light is something I have not seen, but it has been reported before. I suggest printing the Gift of Good Measure, getting your machine serial number, and reporting to Glowforge support.


Oh thank you! yes I’ve checked all those things. Now it’s stuck on focusing so I can’t even print the measuring print. ugh.

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I would have guessed a problem with the electronics driving the servos from your first post, and the fact it’s now stuck on focusing would support that from my point of view. I am not support, however, and that is the best path forward.


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