Frustrations After Leaving Premium Subscription

I started off with the first free month and paid for a couple afterwards, but didn’t think the $50 per month was worth it. Now that I’m off of premium, my glowforge will get stuck on calculating precision movement for larger files. It works fine on simpler cut files. I’ve tried other suggestions in the forum from turning everything off including my router. Its not even that crazy of a file I’ve been trying to cut and engrave (see below). Is thing bricked unless I pay for Premium? This has been very aggravating today.

Welcome to the forum. The problem you’re describing has absolutely nothing to do with maintaining a subscription to premium…it’s merely a coincidence.
I’m betting someone else in here will come forth with some suggestions for you to try.


Which machine do you have? For the Aura/Spark your file size is limited if you don’t have Premium, that’s not the case for any of the CO2 models.

Presuming CO2, it may be that your file has bits that the :glowforge: can’t figure out how to render. If you’re willing to share another user can see if they have any issue loading it.

What browser are you using? It seems to like Chrome the best.


I can also confirm that the described issue does not appear to be related to the features of the Glowforge Premium subscription. @deirdrebeth included some good questions to assist with any troubleshooting needed.

Feel free to post those in here, or reach out to support directly at Phone support is available Monday - Friday 8am - 3pm PST and Saturday and Sunday 10am-3pm PST at +1-855-338-2122.


Hi All,

Thanks for the input on this. I’m currently using the Aura. I was able to talk to someone on discord about it and it was a two fold issue.

The first is that I had forgotten without premium you have a max of 100kb so the file was above that and would eventually time out. There is no error message that states you are above the limit.

The second issue is that without premium you no longer have the program convert a dxf file to svg so it was getting messed up in conversions for what the glowforge could read.

I have since been able to fix both of these issues. Replying to this thread so that someone else doesn’t go through the same frustrations as this took awhile to figure out. I wouldn’t have had this issue if I was still on premium. However, I really cant justify $50/month for how little I use it for personal use.


FYI if you pay annually, it’s under $20/month with the coupon code GF2935AUS from this FAQ.


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