EDIT EDIT: A friend wanted one shaped like a boat. I love a good challenge. Took 3 tries to get the shape and height right. Just 1/8" Walnut - no glue. Finished with Beeswax.
EDIT: added additional pictures of a bowl that has a floating base. Just wanted to see if I could do it. not sure I even like it.
Had an idea to use some cord I have lying around. Used 1 board of medium walnut and about 12 yards of cord. Cut was fast, about 15 mins. Stringing took about a half hour. Have about 6 more design ideas in my head. Lol
The bottom is just hooks that either are attached to the legs or insert through the bottom. That was the east part to figure out, the hard part was the math involved to get it to resolve so that the number of legs matched with the number of hooks. Lol stringing it was actually easy.
Sorry, meant to include you on the reply to Jeanne. It was actually easy. Lesson learned is that you have to have an odd number in order for it end where you begin.