GF Notebook cover

As I mentioned in this post:

I just released some notebook covers on my Etsy Store (

Here is the SVG for the GF notebook cover. (2.5 MB)

It should give you something like this:

I just replaced the cover on some notebooks I found at the Dollar Store. They look like this before I replace the cover:



Thanks! Very nice notebooks in your Etsy store.


Very nice design! That took some significant time to put together.


Love that you added “don’t cut vinyl” to the word art. :grinning:


Thank you for sharing … Will be awesome for the Glowforge tablet!


Thanks! I think I will make one of these — I have notes written in about 1/2 dozen little notebooks in this room (and one I carry everywhere) — I think it will become my official notebook at home! I have a binding machine so I can buy the CHEAP notebook paper (hopefully they will put grid paper on sale too) right now with the back to school sales and cut them to size. cool! Love the design.

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Post a picture if you do. I’d love to see what you end up with.

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I will do that. Quick question on what you did to make the GF logo look a different color – fill in with craft paint?

I actually cut the GF logo right out. The blue is the first page of the notebook.


Nice. Can you give me a hint on what might be wrong with this engrave? The first time I didn’t engrave deep enough but there were those “white spots” in the font — so I turned it over and tried again (same font) and I did an engrave spd 1000 power 50 LPI 225 2 pass;

I saw some char and followed the suggestions on this thread: removing char

To remove char I then had it do an engrave at spd 1000 power 10 LPI 225 and it didn’t seem to help. However it did help on the larger engrave above it (not shown).

The white spots bug the beejeebers (spelling?) out of me! The char is secondary but I need to conquer that today. I am wanting to take this notebook and show it to some people tomorrow in hopes of earning some $$ for our makerspace (I really want to get a physical space again and grow the group—you have no idea how much this means to me!)

I am really thankful for @polarbrainfreeze in posting this — although I couldn’t find that style notebook at the two dollar stores, I did pick up another and used my calipers to determine size and spacing — I learned quite a bit in Illustrator last night! Woot bonus! My plastic coils I use with my binding machine work just fine with it…yay!

I used some cheap wood we picked up at the hardware store to experiment with … so will use my good stuff later today…in hopes of taking it on our day trip tomorrow!

Any ideas on that name? I used the “outerlord” commercial font and I followed these instructions to convert the ai file to svg that said do a “save as SVG” and choose under Fonts “Convert to outline” — Used these instructions for illustrator (I use CS3 so slightly different)

Shoot thought I posted this several hours ago! I’m down to less than 15 hours before we leave…I better get busy cutting, engraving, etc…

---- whoops forgot to post the graphic! I’m using something I picked up at the local store, but everything engraves fine but the “font” (see above how I saved file) oh I think I just found the answer; I need to merge the paths before I do the save it appears —do I need to move this post, I’m not even sure how to

If you’re using the pattern I uploaded, I engraved at 1000 speed, 100 power, 170 lpi.

I used a masked pieces of Baltic Birch plywood (I masked it with painter’s tape).

I hope that helps you.

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Pro tip: Might be best to move the settings to a “Beyond the Manual” post and link them here, to stay within the community guidelines. :wink:

The white spots are where the script font letters overlap. I’m not an Illustrator expert, but I’ve seen it in other programs too. The overlaps kind of cancel each other out when engraving. I think may have to convert the text to path, then use a command like join or union. If you look at the vector lines only in your design program, you need to eliminate the interior lines.


Bill has it right. In Illustrator, it’s a button within the “pathfinder” tool set.

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