Hi, all. I’d love to hear some suggestions for what a passionate Glowforge user might like to receive as a gift, please. Any special materials, tools, gadgets you can think of? (Figure the recipient already has a standard array of wood, acrylic, and paper stock to work with, please.)
Thanks for your help in making my husband’s Christmas a little more lasery.
Digital Calipers is the first thing to come to mind (but chances are good that he has them). Maybe funds in a stock graphics account for graphics and fonts? For example: https://creativemarket.com/ (the one I use). I also love my little Dozuki saw On Amazon.
Colored and exotic woods. Materials storage options. Workspace lighting. Other baubles if they do leather/jewelry work. (Like snaps and findings, etc.) Stand offs for signage. Any of the “extras” ya need for a project but never seem to have on-hand, as they aren’t the main material being cut/etched in the GF.
From a materials standpoint, non standard sized tiles from Lowes or Home depot would be a nice gift, and probably not something they might buy on their own. The tile projects are always fun, especially when it isn’t just a standard 4x4.
Oh, man, thanks so much, everyone – these ideas are all great. I ordered one of those covers and some lens wipes. With supplies being so specialized, I appreciate the advice of experienced users. Thanks again.