When I turn on the Glowforge gets stuck on humming mode and the head doesn’t move.
fans start up.
I get no ticking sounds
the head doesn't moves
the light goes on
the status in my UI says “Homing”
Typically it moves to the center and starts the homing process. But in this case, it’s not moving at all
I tried:
turning it on and off.
turning my network on and off.
turning off the GF and manually moving the head and the laser gantry. They both move smoothly.
disconnecting the head and reconnecting it.
changing web browsers (from FireFox to Safari to Brave)
I’m not sure what to try next. Any help is appreciated.
Mine has been doing the same thing since yesterday. Are there any updates? I have a big show this weekend and need to get busy. Fingers crossed this gets fixed soon.
I really hope someone is working on this. Tried calling support but no agents available. Can’t seem to log into live chat and there is no community chat on my app screen. Just posting frustrated messages here in the hope of some update. Anybody doing any better??
I have exactly the same problem as you. I hope it’s not the girlfriend who has a problem. Apparently there are a few of us in this situation. I hope the problem will be solved quickly.