December 13, 2017, 2:39pm
If you can save a top-down image in a grayscale heightmap format that goes from black to white mapped to height, you can engrave it nicely. Basswood has had good results, here:
I decided to run the same depthmap frame image again, but this time on different hardwoods to see if the detail would in-fact be better than the draftboard.
I did Basswood and Hard Maple Hardwood, both medium thickness. I also added vector cut lines to the original depthmap.
ZOMG the basswood cut like butter. No. Like buttah! Pure black went all the way through the wood. I had to manually cancel the job after it got done with the engrave because there was nothing for …
And here:
The novelty will wear off eventually and I’ll stop boring ya’ll with these posts, but man, this 3D setting is a blast.
I’m getting use to adjusting the greyscale files for the black to cut all the way through and got some pretty cool results this time. Neither of these have any cut lines in the design at all other than a square cut around the outside. Basswood makes for amazing engraving.
[3d kittrell bat]
[3d kittrell]