Glowforge members: everyday life, culture, natural beauty

I think so, years ago, and lots seen on the trip. The down side to digital photography, I can’t write on the back of photos.

Yes yes, I know it automatically tags location now, this was before then.

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Mana’eesh is awesome! I haven’t had any since I was in Jordan 10 years ago. Recipe? :grinning:

I cheated on the ones in the picture. I used Pillsbury biscuit dough. I cut them in half and rolled them out. I mixed the za’atar with olive oil until its the right consistency, not too watery. Spoon it onto the dough, then bake. Nice and simple and delicious.

I’ll get the real recipe next time I go to my parents.

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Ohh, the za’atar too, please! I’ve not come across any middle eastern shops in the south of France so I’d have to make that from scratch as well.


I finally jumped into the archive for pictures to share.

Here is a picture of San Diego from the Coronado Island side.

Here’s one of Imperial Beach, San Diego

My partner and I spent a month in Turkey last summer. This is a temple in Aphrodisias.

Here’s one of Didyma, Turkey.

I’ve also been to Japan, Central America, Easter Island, Patagonia, and Peru. Will post more pictures as I find them in the archive.


Took this picture of a Pawpaw (Asimina triloba) flower on a walk this weekend. Thought it was quite pretty.


I’ve never made za’atar from scratch. I’ll check with my parents to see if they have a recipe.

Spent a lot of time in China. Here are some pics of my visits.


That picture very nearly looks like it’s black and white!

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Easter Island? Wow, im envious.

So amazing!


Not in league with the above photos but still a great place. Lyon, France. Amazing food. Great city.


Today, for your viewing pleasure, one of the ever elusive Pacific North West rainbows.


Best restaurant meal of my life there, the worst and the oddest (three separate meals.)

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Rofl :joy:

I love this kind of tale…easy to read and fun…grayt job .!!! :thumbsup:

Beautiful! I love rainbows, interesting phenomena.
The arc of a rainbow describes the base of a light cone who’s apex is your eye. A person standing next to you sees a different rainbow!
You only see a portion of what would be a full circle from your viewing perspective on the ground.
In a double rainbow the higher, dimmer one is a reflection of the primary - and so the colors are reversed.
What we call visible light is a very narrow range of frequencies out of the entire electromagnetic spectrum that our eyes are sensitive to, and all of them are on display in a rainbow.


Two geek worthy photos from Lyon. André-Marie Ampère, of Electricity fame,

And in the museum of textiles in Lyon here is the Glowforge’s great, great grandmother.


Here’s a cool wood carving! Maybe Glowforge Mobile 7.0 can do it in the future.


Really amazing. Almost need a NSFW tag for the ads in the publication😳