Glowforge Spotted in the Wild

At least now we know why the shipping is so expensive. :stuck_out_tongue:


You’d think Dan would have posted a job description by now, “Needed someone who can carry seventy five pounds, with a partner, down sidewalks. Travel 100% of the time. Must have passport and full set of immunizations. Number of positions: 100.”


maybe they invented a second device:


Bwahahaha! :joy:

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That is the software, it’s just transparent to the users.

I mean that it is not software in the sense that there is no Glowforge program that you will be using to design you work. It basically just a print driver. Either way there won’t be anything for us to test until you have a unit to connect to.

While I agree the GF web interface will be the final layout area. It will not be the tool to create designs, we will have to use other tools for the design portion of the work.

I would still like to try the GF web interface prior to getting my unit. While we would not be able to see how it goes to the laser, it would still be helpful to understand how the tool / interface works.

I think most people here will agree with you on that.
Thats probably the part that has the most work left to do on it, and theyve been very reluctant to release information on it at any point. I think the most insight weve had is one photo and a job posting about a computer vision specialist.


I’m just hoping that Glowforge doesn’t delay H/W shipping to make the S/W perfect. Perfect can be had later. Let the folks who ordered after the initial funding campaign whine about perfect. Most of us ordered knowing the product was still in development. 75% of the advertised capabilities would be 100% more than I have now. Functions can be rolled out as they are ready.


Well said. Well said.


Wouldn’t that be more like infinitely more than you have right now? Unless you are holding out on your beta status.

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I would be really surprised if anyone gets access to the web interface before they get their unit.
Without an image from the lid camera there really isn’t much you could do. I would even guess that it requires a GF to be “liked to it” in order to get past the login screen.
So giving people access to it ahead of time would just confuse people and could cause some people to freak out because they cant do anything.
It just doesn’t make sense to release it until people can actually print something.

being a UX designer/developer, I’d be able to give feedback on what’s there already, and my opinions on what I feel is missing. I’d love to see it ahead of time

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I’m glad to see some activity, there’s been extremely little in the way of progress, updates, pics or demo videos in the last couple months. We’re patient, but the complete blackout is worrisome.