Glowforge stuck on focus after putting a new printer head in

I bought a new printer head because my machine was stuck on focus which was recommended by Glowforge. however I put the new printer head in my machine and it started to run but then automatically said printer stop and now its back being stuck on focus. Tried calling Glowforge and no one is answering the phone lines. Has anyone had this happen to them if so what do you reccomend.

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Did you run the printer head set up?

It’s near the end of this page.

You have to log in the access it:


its saying printer busy when I try again because its trying to focus. yes I was in the process of setting up the printer head however I didn’t put the wood inside so the directions said to open the lid to stop set up so after I did that its been stuck on focus


My usual set focus procedures are check my wifi, turn off my machine, and restart my computer, sometimes clearing my browser cache too. Usually doing that a few times gets me back up. For me, it’s usually an internet or computer issue. Machine will be stuck in focusing until it finds the internet.

Maybe try your phone hotspot?


thank you I will try that


I think in about 6 years I owned my first GF, I had to power cycle it once or twice because it didn’t do the focus part when powered on.

The replacement I have now sits in the same location, ~6’ from a wifi extender (needed for stuff outside that side of the house, but it’s close to the GF so that’s what it connects to), and close to half the time I power it on, it won’t focus. It does the tap tap tap stuff so I know the OS is booted and running, but it just sits there and the UI shows focusing.

It freaks me out a little because the machine is virtually new, has not been used much, and I know it’s not software because the way Linux updates, there’s no way it’s “corrupt”. So it’s hardware related. Which means it could fail completely at any time.


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