I was printing fine all day yesterday, then in the middle of a long print my Glowforge basically shut off with the power still on. The blue light stopped glowing and the print stopped halfway.
Now it is stuck on this distorted image when I go to any of my prints online.
You don’t specifically state that you followed the link in the message, and cleaned the connectors. The lens (there is only one) and other optics have nothing to do with it. The machine is reporting a problem communicating with the head.
If you did, then either the head, the long grey ribbon cable, or a connection are likely faulty and the machine will need to be replaced.
I got that message right out of the blue one day as well. The ribbon connector to the head had disengaged. It was just a simple matter of re connecting it. Hopefully you find something simple like that as well. Be careful not to bend any of those small pins.
Thank you SO much!!! I think It’s an internal issue with the ribbon cable so I ordered a new one- hopefully that’s the fix! You’re a blessing thank you!!!
Apparently that ribbon cable that connects the head is not something GF sells for do it yourselfers. I assume you have looked into what it requires to replace that?
Found one on Etsy from a distributor that gives a YouTube tutorial! You’re right- gonna take a couple hours minimum but I’d rather try a fix then let it sit!