3D Laser Printer
Maybe Dan is aiming to be a politician?
How does someone have an order date before @dan? He was nice enough to put his info in there (and mentioned he was order number one). Someone ordering before him seems to not reflect reality…
Don’t get me wrong, I think there’s some value in the spreadsheet, it just has to be viewed with all the salt you can withstand taking.
Yes there is the odd anomaly like that but what difference does that make to the conclusions I am drawing?
Pro dispatches are half way through day1, basic dispatches are just starting day 3 and the rate of dispatches needs to be more than four a now day to be on schedule and it has never been anywhere near that level.
None of us are saying the sheet is a 100% accurate way of determining anything, but it’s a pretty good indicator of where things are at. They are currently on day 2-3 of received orders, with a decent level of certainty. I can infer this due to people are updating when they got their emails and you can see when people noted that their Glowforge arrived. Day 2 is showing deliveries on 9/8, which was late last week. Day 9 is showing people updating that they received the email.
Not trying to argue, all I’m saying is yes, there is evidence.
I don’t disagree.
Beyond the initial marketing that gave the impression they would be ready to ship soon, I don’t feel I have been deceived. Regarding that, I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt that the optimistic outlook was as naive as I am, and the reality was much more difficult than anticipated. Whether or not that’s true doesn’t matter to me. I bought into this project… and decided to stay. All that concerns me is the machine.
Regarding the communication of the delays, I am in no position to criticize, not having the benefit of all of the factors like board directives etc. All I or we are in a position to do is voice our desire to be informed promptly. Whether or not the company is able to do that or if they will remains to be seen. Either way will have no effect on my decision to stay, I have used this thing, and for what I paid, they can call the shots any way they wish.
Dan has said that he and employees are behind customers, that’s how.
Actually thats not what he said, he said they’ve moved themselves back in the queue, that doesn’t impact order date.
Oh, apologies, I misunderstood.
To be clear, my kudos were intended for @rotors , who presented their dissatisfaction in a way that struck me as very fair and balanced.
I reject your premise. We don’t need to be involved in the day to day to have honest and open communication.
Sometimes, just for fun, when my kids whine “Are we getting closer?” from the back seat, I tell them that I’ve decided to drive further away from Grandma’s house just for fun.
lol well then…
You’re fine to feel that way. Not everyone agrees. No problem if all you’re doing is adding your name to the happy column but just the same, there’s no problem with people venting their frustrations. Personally the “savings” for preordering is nice but by now it all rings hollow.
Yes. I’m aware. You do realize that excuse could be used forever right? I don’t want a broken product so I’m ok with schedule slippage but I also expect honest communication and everything has a point of excess. After enough delays and slips, eventually I expect to have both a non-broken product AND have it on time. At this point, for me, glowforge as overextended the allotted sympathy for delays.
shipping is the process.
shipment is the result.
Shipping is the process of taking a good or material from one location to another, this usually meant by Ship. I’m assuming that products weren’t manufactured on the ships while in transit when the phrase was coined.
Delivery is the result of shipping. Unless UPS is doing the shipping. Then the result is damage, tears and frustration.
That my friend is your prerogative.
“Everything we hear is a opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”
Just stating my opinion, just as you did.
To be clear, Those were projections, they didn’t sign a contract with you.
Hey, I understand and sympathize, but I think I could go to a palm reader and get a prediction of the future with about as much accuracy. I just don’t fault glowforge for that failure. Just my perspective and opinion, which i’m sure is worth less than two cents.
I agree. It’s emotionally healthy to express yourself., I think it’s gracious of the company to provide a platform for doing that, and I appreciate a spirited discussion. However this subject (I feel) has run it’s course, and so I bid you all good evening.
People always seem to point things like this out on this forum but to me it makes no sense. Its a preorder… they designated a time they thought they could ship the product I purchased. As does EVERY company that initiates a preorder campaign. They ALL give projections. That doesn’t make them worthless nor does it excuse repeated misses on the schedule. I don’t sign a contract with anyone I preorder products from. Nevertheless I still expect said product in a reasonable time frame. I think the months and months that have passed are beyond a reasonable amount. You may choose not to fault glowforge, and that’s perfectly fine. At this point however, I do fault them.
Truer words have rarely been spoken.