Glowparents: Glowbabies!


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Congrats! Sleep when you can, and enjoy the fun that’s to come!

(Also… wow! Those are some good-sized twins! Full term? Congratulate your wife for me! My wife made it to 38 weeks and both of our twins were a few oz smaller.)


Congratulations! Beautiful family, and your website is very touching.

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Congrats and many blessings.

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Congratulations – health and happiness to you all, and ease and rest to the mother😊


Wonderful news! And now, it begins…:relaxed:

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Flag Day here in USA. Jayden and Jazelle.


Congrats to you and your wife on the blessing of your healthy twins!


So sweet!!! Out of likes…but had to comment :heart::heart::heart::heart:


What truly beautiful little babies. Love the patriotic swaddling.


I’m so happy for you! Blessings on your little loves and the wild ride this will be!


Beautiful babies! Congratulations to you both!!


Jayden, at one day old, striking his Dr Evil pose


We will all pitch in to get him some freaking sharks with some freaking lasers. No child should go without.


This afternoon, my wife and the babies came home with me from the hospital. But that almost did not happen.

A few hours after my twins were born Wednesday night, I left the hospital to get something to eat, then shower and change at home. On my way back to the hospital, just a few blocks from home, a woman ran a red left turn light and hit me head on at 50mph as she was speeding up to enter a freeway . My car was totalled. The whole front end was crushed and the body frame was contorted.

As I watched her car accelerating and heading straight towards me, I thought I was going to die. Instantly, I thought about the horrible tragedy of being gone, and leaving my wife alone with two babies. But just as quickly, the air bags exploded all around me, like I was floating in the clouds of Heaven. As they pounded, into me, I realized I was not dead, and was thankful my wife and the babies were not in the car.

Once I was able to exit my mangled car, the other driver apologized and admitted it was her fault, and a witness stopped at the light also told police on the scene that she ran a red. She was shaken up but not injured. All my air bags deployed, something sliced through my thumb and thumbnail, and my left hand, arm, neck, back and knees were beat up pretty bad. And my face and head felt like I’d been punched.

I spent 4 1/2 hours that evening in the emergency ward, downstairs from where my wife was. Xrays showed no fractures, but they suggested a retest if the pain persisted after a week. My body still aches all over, but it seems muscular / tissue / nerve issues at this point. And I hope nothing further develops.

Miracles can take many forms. Two precious angels delivered babies to my wife and me on Wednesday night. At least one of them accompanied me on my short trip home and back later that evening. Those angels blessed my life. My Acura MDX saved it. My family is grateful.

I’ve dispatched one of those angels to go escort my GF to me when it’s ready to be shipped.


Wow, I’m glad you are okay. Thank God for air bags!

That is a great picture of you with the babies!


Oh I’m so glad! You do have some guardian angels on call! :slightly_smiling_face:


So glad to hear you are ok…what a scary thing you went through… :sweat:


How frightening - thank goodness you are okay! I hope the pain is gone fast.